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Apple May Get To Remove Obvious Features From Android

I think apple (in lower case out of disrespect) is run by the German hitler regime. They always try and force everyone to do what they want and buy what outdated hardware/software they haven't sued for yet.

Really Hitler killed millions of innocent people, let's not be ridiculous here.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
Its awful and they keep winning lawsuits... which is probably the most upsetting thing. If they want to sue everyone fine - but they shouldn't be winning the amount they are.

apple should take a note from Microsoft and just license their supposed "copied software" Microsoft sues also but when they win they just take a cut....smart...but apple wants to, "take their ball and go home", so no one else can play with it.
Really Hitler killed millions of innocent people, let's not be ridiculous here.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.

They are trying to kill all those androids.......:frown: Don't hate the androids love them..lol
I love Android, but I try to be as unbiased as possible, but stuff like this really makes it hard not to become a fanboy. I would be absolutely embarrassed to be an Apple product owner of any kind right now. Other than Siri, when was the last time an iPhone actually brought about a noteable feature?? Shouldn't they be focusing on moving forward and creating a better product than trying to halt everyone else's forward progression?
...Other than Siri, when was the last time an iPhone actually brought about a noteable feature?? Shouldn't they be focusing on moving forward and creating a better product than trying to halt everyone else's forward progression?

That supposition is predicated upon Apple having any new tricks left in their bag after Saint Jobs evolved into the next stage of human evolution, namely an entity of pure Applicious energy. :blink:
As was mentioned above, I too try to be as unbiased as possible, and I actually have a decent interest in the iPhone 4S, but Apple is being a little absurd right now. They could be such an awesome company with great products but they can't keep their focus long enough to continue forward. The only reason they are so preoccupied with Android and Google, is because they fear the potential and the momentum.
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The irony here is that Apple is patenting anything and everything, and I would be willing to bet that things like the Notification Bar and other Android features are being included. I mean, what would Apple have to lose? It doesn't cost much to file a patent, and the worst that can happen is that it is not approved. But of nobody else thought to patent it, and they do get it awarded, now they can sue the inventors of the technology for infringing on their own creations.

Now, the Apple fans can say, "Well, you were the one that wasn't smart enough to patent your own idea"... but that doesn't make it right. I don't know that every click of a button on a phone needs its own patent. But if Apple is going to play this game, one of two things needs to happen. The courts either need to step in and put a stop to it and revamp the patent system itself, or every company is going to need a huge patent division and patent everything under the sun in the hopes of building up a legal arsenal.

I personally hope for the first. Patents are there to protect inventions and actual IP. Not to secure rights for a right mouse click, or calling a phone number, or multi-tasking, etc... These are akin to Ford trying to patent a left turn. Any car should be able to do that, it is common sense. Now, if they patent a steering system that gives more precise cornering and all that, great, but the left turn itself should never be awarded a patent.
As was mentioned above, I too try to be as unbiased as possible ...

I have to be unbiased--in I.T., you have to work with any system you come across. And since I'm freelance, I can't go off ranting on apple as it will alienate some of my clients.

... but Apple is being a little absurd right now. They could be such an awesome company with great products but they can't keep their focus long enough to continue forward.

It's like I keep saying: if you can't innovate, litigate. Their energies and resources are now going into the courtroom, not the laboratory. Holy Man™ is gone now; my humble prediction is that the company is going to lose its way, as it did after the first time Holy Man™ left the company. Granted a lot of these actions started while he was still alive, but he was also at reduced capacity, and had this obsession with killing Android. Not a healthy way of thinking, especially for someone who is supposedly the head of a major corporation. They may go down in history as one of the most obnoxious of patent trolls, once this has all played out.

The only reason they are so preoccupied with Android and Goodle, is because they fear the potential and the momentum.

Or take it a step further with these two words: market share. Over the history of computing, apple has spent most of its life as the #2 (or lower) platform. Always second banana. They had the upper hand with the iphone, but many of the Blackberry users were as cult-oriented as the apple iphone users. Android came along and pretty much trounced all over both Blackberry and iphone, and is now on top. I don't know why apple hasn't tried to tackle Microsoft as they have anything Android-related; maybe they fear MS because it's a larger company?

My gut feeling is that apple does not want to license technology to others--they want it off the devices completely. Why? Again, market share. They could license this technology to Android and make a few pennies from it. But, why do that when it means a sale is lost for the precious iphone? "Here is something our phones can do that yours can't."

It's not like they haven't used other technologies themselves either; remember, OSX itself is based on FreeBSD...and for that matter, isn't the iphone also based on Linux at its core?