Apple to start producing 4th Gen iPhones for Verizon

I would only switch for another Android phone.....Why go backwards?
Had the Iphone 3GS. I really did like the phone, but really hated AT&T. Had it been with Verizon I would have kept it. This being said, now that I have the Droid I am so much more aware of how controlling Apple is with Iphone users. It is just not customizable to near the extent that the Droid is even if you jailbreak the phone (which is a must). And if you do Jailbreak it, you will have to wait to load any updates that Apple comes out with until somone figures out a way to jailbreak it. Otherwise you lose it all.
Iphone was revolutionary, but it's time has passed in my books. Unless S. Jobs changes his controlling ways I don't see myself heading back again.