what bothers me is that those doing the illegal tethering just dont get it. they are the ones who drove vzw to the tiered plans, and at which point vzw decides to kill unlimited for everyone, there will be a river of tears, and i doubt they will see even then that its their fault.
I'm not sure a few abusers drove VZW to tiered plans. Despite the increase in capacity with LTE, you're talking 4X as many users (when the market fully matures) using 2-3X+ the data, which will eventually bog down even LTE (until the next gen, anyway).
Just look at what has been happening and how much easier it has gotten to blow thru data. I wipe my cache every night, and Google Currents alone I've seen chew-up 1gig a week. Now I can update that on wifi only, if I choose. But if plans weren't capped, why would people bother?
Then you have everyone pushing cloud storage - 1 hour of music a day can easily burn thru 2 gigs in a month by itself. The more apps we get on our phone, and the larger those apps get - take a look sometime at how much data app updates chew in a month (most noticeable if you flash a rom and let Play restore apps). Again, you can update on wifi only but why would you if your data wasn't capped? 2 gigs is a good amount of data, but you have to plug "leakage" and ration on-demand need vs. stuff that can update via wifi only.
And here's the clincher - despite all the tough talk VZW still has done virtually nothing to people rolling up huge data amounts on unlimited. I've heard rumors of a few but I've never seen anyone dinged for abusing unlimited, much less the occasional/moderate tether use. It's no longer a big enough segment of users for VZW to care about, IMO. Plus they soaked us all for $10-$15 a month more when they took away our subsidy.
And, no, the tiered plans are not about gouging customers on overages. Besides being a drop in the bucket, VZW makes it fairly easy to modify plans online as monthly usage dictates, and they are pretty accommodating if you call customer service. They really don't want to hit customers with overages because it tends to be bad for business, but the overages are steep to force you into the plan that you need.