My phone has RIDICULOUS battery life.
I'll recap a typical day for me.
Wake up at 8am, take phone off charger. Shower, eat, get ready for work. Drive to work, plug phone in while driving. My drive is 1.5 miles, so the phone charges MAYBE for 5 minutes. Report to work at 9. Work until 1, take lunch. Phone is at 80% battery at lunch. Play with the phone for about 15-20 minutes at lunch, maybe make a phone call to a few people, usually talking on the phone for 10-15 minutes total. Do some twittering/facebooking. Report back to work at 1:45 or 2:00, and work until 5 or 5:30. Head home, plugging in the phone in my dock/car charger for another 5-10 minutes (10 minutes if I have to drive an extra mile to the post office to drop off mail for the office).
Then I usually plug in my phone when I get home to my theater system and play music (on shuffle - with the screen off) for 30 minutes while I change clothes, tidy up the house, etc. Then I either go for a run, or if it's an off day I will bum around the house until 7 or 8 until other people get home and we make dinner. By dinner time (usually around 8:30 or 9:00pm) my battery is at 50-60%. All day I check Twitter status messages, send texts, take pictures (been taking a lot of pictures of co-workers and friends and family for my contacts list - finally being non-lazy so I can have a picture for every contact). I also receive corporate e-mail and gmail, and I do a LOT of e-mailing throughout the day, and I get tons of emails on my gmail account all day long (50+ each day between 8am and 5pm).
I never charge my phone mid-day since I got it last Friday... unless I'm driving, which is almost never. I drive to/from work, 1.5 miles each way, and usually walk everywhere else because my house is close to everything I need except the grocery store (I go every Sunday and it's next door to my work - a 3 mile drive round trip).
Actually, since having the phone, I've only seen the battery indicator turn yellow once. I think yellow indicates 20 or 30% battery remaining. And I believe that was Friday while I spent 3 hours at the VZW store in the back room showing off my phone to VZW employees and setting up the phone, and the battery came charged to only about 70-80%.
So yeah. I'm not getting any battery problems. I run the following widgets: Twitter, Facebook, Beautiful Home, music, Pandora, Genie News & Weather, People (Launcher Pro Plus), Power Control, 2x Sticky Notes, Pure Calendar (Agenda), Youtube, and the Photo slideshow widget. Any widgets I have are set to update every 1 hour if it's an option, if it's not then it's set at either 30 minutes or 2 hours, depending on the widget. I turn my screen on all the time, checking Twitter status updates every 30 minutes at work and all night at home.
I don't know how people are having battery problems. I'm either lucky, or people are using task killers and other crap they don't need. Who knows. I can't speak for anyone else. Actually, I can! One person I live with has an X as well, and he gets fantastic battery life from his phone, too. He didn't charge it last night and I just saw him an hour ago and he was at 20% battery since yesterday morning. And he texts a lot for work (works @ VZW actually). I'm stumped by people claiming to have a dead battery after half a day.