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Battery life is terrible

No. When you back out of an application, it is left open for x amount of time and then shut down by the OS if not being used, to make room for another app's needed resources. The home button leaves the application open AND still running and more priority than a new application. It does this because it thinks you're wanting to go back to it. Search foreground and background differences and you'll see what I mean...may need to use Google instead of the search option here for the best results though.

If you press the back button, isn't the app still running? What's the difference between pressing home and back?

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums app (free in market)
That's interesting. Never even occured to me that app handling is different between home and back.

Did you remove any of the bloatware from the phone? I'd like to, but I'm not sure what's ok to remove or not.

I'm at 12 hours now in flight mode/standby. Battery still reads 90%. That's a good sign :)
That's interesting. Never even occured to me that app handling is different between home and back.

Did you remove any of the bloatware from the phone? I'd like to, but I'm not sure what's ok to remove or not.

I'm at 12 hours now in flight mode/standby. Battery still reads 90%. That's a good sign :)

I used Titanium backup to freeze all of the bloatware and it works great -- none of the wasteful processes run and the (cr)apps are hidden from the app drawer now. If I ever need to go back to them (to do a stock update or whatever) I can simply unfreeze. The battery life has been significantly better and much more free RAM.
I had the original Droid and DroidX and now I got the Droid 2 global so I can take it on vacation with me and use it overseas.

I had the phone 3 days and I notice that around 5 or 6pm I am running out of battery and have to plug it back in.

With my Droid X I could go a full day and leave it charging overnight.

What kind of battery life are you guys getting?

I have been getting almost 18 hours on the default settings with moderate use.
I charged the phone up before going to bed one night. Unplugged it and when I checked it in the morning it was reading 0% and the screen kept turning off. I rebooted the phone and the meter read 30%. Before this happened, I was able to get about 6 hours out of average use. Since, I have had a couple 15 hour days with 30% remaining before charging up again. There seems to be something to the "conditioning" of the battery before getting good batter life.
Well, guys and gals, I don't understand what you expect. Honestly - speed comes at cost and the cost is power consumption. You can't expect to do 50 MPG in a Chevy Camaro SS. Same with the D2G. Needs refuelling more often..
I have made all the tweaks suggeated, with little effect. Battery life is abysmal compared to the Droid 1, which I used very heavily.

I am now on a plane, using wifi intensively but with 3G (phone/data) turned off. Battery drain is muuuuuccchhh slower. I suspect there is a problem with the D2G's use of the cell radio.
My phone's battery life is great if corporate sync push doesn't work. It's horrible when exchange pushes email. I switched to improved email and not only am I now receiving pushed exchanged email, my battery life is significantly improved. I think there is something wrong with motorolas radio settings causing the horrible battery life.

ps. I have corporate sync only syncing calendar and contacts. I no longer have it syncing email.
How often was your phone syncing with the corporate e-mail? I ask because it's still using the motorola radio you just said was to blame. I'm guessing it's probably just not syncing as often.
I had the phone set to push from exchange. When it works, and emails actually push to the phone, the battery life would be horrible. When push stopped working, battery life was much much better. I checked battery meter while battery performance was dismal, and the application "com.motorola.service.main" was the worst battery hog. Worse than the display. I confirmed this two mornings in a row.

For example, push worked the two previous mornings. After 5 hours, my battery life was less than 30%. When Push stopped working yesterday, I turned off corporate sync email, and installed improved email. It has been pushing email reliably now for almost a full day. Something corporate sync never did. This morning, after 4 hours, my battery life is still at 80%. com.motorola.service.main has only ate up 5% this morning cmopared to 23% for the display.

Oh, by motorola raido, I meant the software controlling the syncing. I am new to this stuff coming from a blackberry and windows phone where battery life and email push was great.
The radio is the radio no matter what you're talking about. It's either the 3G radio or the CDMA/GSM radio. :)

I agree, the software controlling the corporate push/sync needs improving in your case, but I'm thinking it's probably set to sync a lot more often than the e-mail app you're using now. :)

(And with all the battery life complaints I've heard about the two corporate-geared phones I'm guessing the baseband needs an update as well.)

Fun phone, though.
What I mean is the software that motorola uses that keeps the phone awake to receive push emails. Not the actual radio hardware. I am naive, but not that naive ;)
Basically the baseband -- the software controlling the radio itself -- needs some improvements. There have been three total baseband revisions for the D1. :)