Silver Member
ragenrebel said:My phone also has been getting warm. Does anyone know what going on?
Prob just an app constantly running in the background. Have you downloaded any apps lately.
ragenrebel said:My phone also has been getting warm. Does anyone know what going on?
DevilDogMP said:My battery life has doubled ever since I updated to ics. No problems here.
TvVoice said:Specifically, on a full charge, how many hours did you get before ICS and how many hours do you get now?
I was going to set up something like this, but wondered if I turned my Wifi off manually, then set up this type of Smart Action, would it then turn Wifi back off when I wasn't home or would I still have to turn it off manually every time I left?
I find myself wanting to set up smart actions that have "negative" triggers, such as "NOT at home", "NOT on home network", etc. but that doesn't seem to be an option.
Either way, my battery was at 20% or so when I went to bed last night and it had been up for about 15 hours. Granted, I was home and on my Wifi all day, but I am still pleased with that kind of performance out of the stock battery. :biggrin:
Eh, I disagree with your last statement. I let my phone battery run down, powered it off and let it charge and get a few extra hours out of it. Also, buying an extended battery shouldn't be a problem for anyone,unless you don't have a job.
bionicDman said:I had battery issues when i jumped to 246 via HoB. Played with smart actions, found it helped a lot, but it did not get me back to where i had been with 905. SamuriHL suggested an FDR, which i really didn't want to do, but after i did it, my battery life was much, much better after a couple of cycles - back to where it had been before ICS. I installed the data switch app from google play, and got into the habit of switching on wi-fi or data only when i turned on the screen, then turning it off when i was done. Smart actions can do this too, but i didn't always need data or wi-fi when i turned on the screen, so for me doing it manually was simple and easy, and it made a huge difference on battery life - from barely making it 8 hours, to going more than 24 hours, and still having 30% left on my battery. This worked for me, but do some research on what's involved with an FDR, and see if you're up to it. By the way, if you decide to do an FDR, app saver will allow you to save all your apps to your sd card and SMS backup+ will let you backup all your text messages to your google account. After the FDR you can reinstall your apps, and reload all your texts from google. Finally, look at your battery use in settings, and see if you have a particular app that seems to be consuming a lot of battery. Screen and Android OS should be the top two, then the others should be a good bit less. SamuriHL in his HoB FAQ listed a number of apps that he froze, and i found that disabling many if those apps helped me conserve battery life as well. Good luck!
kjlued said:Remember, our batteries shows charge/discharge in increments of 10% (So, at 95% charge, it will show 100%)
bionicDman said:See if my suggestions below help:
wheeler062505 said:I'm sorry, but without sounding stupid, what is FDR?
Kobe24 said:Factory Data Reset