It is also recommended to calibrate ALL batteries by a complete discharging, then charging while powered off at least 5 times. Many battery vendors recommend this practice.
Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums
By "calibrate" are you referring to the root-required methods? If so, I'm a little weary about that right now but I'm guessing you guys still recommend going through the standard first-day methods mentioned earlier, right?
Also, thanks to you and NoBloatware for bringing this up again for the newer folk. And for people like myself who stopped reading up on devices when they got stuck with an unmodifiable Eris for 2 years :biggrin: Luckily work surprised me yesterday with the RAZR.
One of the best tricks I've used with my Thunderbolt is to turn off the data radios when you aren't using the phone. Where I work, we can only use our phones during break times. When I'm on break, I switch the data on. Break time is over, off it goes. My phone used to be showing yellow for battery remaining when I first got it, now, it loses maybe 30% during the course of a work day. HTC has a widget to make switching the data radios off/on quick & easy. Some of you guys might want to check to see if Moto offers a widget for that.
Smart Actions are key. I set one up to turn off cellular data when connected to my home or work wifi. Went to bed last night at 16.5 hours and still had 20%. Yes, I did leave my wifi throughout the day and used 4G. Granted, didn't do any streaming or tethering, just normal email, calls and web. I am happy with these results and doubt the Gnex will be better without an extended battery.
Agreed. The setup I am experimenting with now looks like this:
Trigger: WIFI Connection
Actions: Cellular Data (Disabled)
2 Battery Extender
Triggers: Display Off
Not Charging
No Movement
Actions: GPS Off
Background Sync disabled
Cellular Data disabled
On top of that I obviously have some nighttime Rules which more or less doesn't help because it is on a charger. They more or less just turn off ringer etc. etc.
I have had this phone since 11/10 and have consistently gotten upper double digits before having to re-charge. Up until today I have had 4G constantly on, Wifi on 80% of the time, background sync on, data on, Google location on, 2 business email accounts pushing to my phone, as well as two gmail accounts. Display on automatic. I have been consistenly playing with the device, getting emails pushed , and the occasional text and phone call (average to heavy use). Coming from the Droid Charge, I believe that the RAZR's battery is better with the right Smart Actions. The real test will come tomorrow when I have hundreds of emails pushed to my device and now having these smart actions implemented. Overall pleased, blown away, no, but very pleased.
I also have the other actions you described set up. Have you noticed if you still get push emails with the "Background Sync Disabled" is activated? I am concerned about not receiving critical emails and cant tell if it is just my email system being slow or my phone not getting them until I pick it up.