Lets be honest for a second...if you didn't download any apps or any games and then did the update, your battery is not going to be lessened for no apparent reason. There is no magic working behind the scenes.
I too noticed significantly reduced battery usage after the update, though it wasn't fantastic before the update. Does this somehow make me an idiot? In fact there are LOTS of things happening behind the scenes, but none of them are magic.
Before, a full day off charger (16 hrs) and normal usage for me (a few phone calls, maybe download a few apps, check email every hour or two, a few txts, and a little bit of browsing, Locale w/ GPS all day) I would be down to 10-20%.
Today, I have been off charger for 5 hrs. No phone calls, one txt received, checked email a time or two, no browsing or app downloading, and I am down to 40%. This is based on the battery widget and spare parts, both agree.
But the phone is definitely doing something different. Before, the screen was by far the biggest user of battery. Today, I am getting:
Email - 20%
Locale - 18%
Android OS - 15%
Android System - 14%
Phone Idle - 14%
Cell Stand-by - 10%
Display - 5%
So something definitely changed for me. No new apps. I did update apps after the Droid update when those came through, but my problem appears to be with Email, which shouldn't be affected by those. Spare parts also says that Email is by far the biggest partial wake user. I am in the process of switching from Hotmail to Gmail, so I may try turning off the Email sync. But first I will pull the battery and reset the phone (*228 or whatever). Will try to report back.
Condescending and derrogative replies from those who think they are smarter than me simply because their device isn't having the same problem are not welcome. Thanks.