beeping on my phone
I got my Droid razr a week ago. After a few days, it kept non-stop beeping while on calls. Sometimes from the very beginning, sometimes after I was on it for 7 minutes. I had it plugged in at times, so it wasn't the battery. I had it on speaker, by my ear, or with an earpiece. I called Verizon and they walked me through holding the button down and the ringer, taking out the sd card, etc. They told me to exchange it, which I did (I bought it at Costco, and even used their land phone to try and fix it with Verizon).
I have had my new phone only a day or so and haven't used it much, but I did here one beep already, but only one when calling. The other phone it would beep for 10+ minutes!
Verizon said they had no idea why it was beeping.