There is no Halo.Dark theme. But basically theres two themes in ICS Theme.Holo.Light = white bgs/black text and then theres Theme.Holo = black bg(if edited that way in framework)/white text!
,Thanks! I was curious because when decompiling some apps I noticed some images with a "halo_theme_dark" name to em. That clarifies it. And I checked around some to answer you JIT question cause I was under the impression it was enabled by default too. I noticed in build.prop the line
I always was.under the impression that having this disabled JIT? I was having bad benchmarks again and that's why I reinvestigated it. I still smoking for a solid.answer but I benches back up by commenting that line out and adding
That's how you would manually enable it if it's already not enabled by default. I noticed in the BlackIce settings that you have an option to enable/disable.JIT but it doesn't::hat because you aren't sure either? I don't know because I've gotten awesome.benches with it set to int:fast.
I bench when swapping nightly kernels to test out the CPU basically. I mean after I complained the first time, something must have happened as the scores went up and I hit a 115 in LinPack (overclocked of course). After getting this replacement Nexus after cracking the screen from a 1 and half foot fall onto a hard floor (even landed on it's back...and I just stood up for the build quality in another thread a few days prior *face palm*), I unlocked/rooted and flashed my backup so my phone was the same as before, but now I was getting LinPack scores in the 20's again. I just manually changed the execution mode to int:jit by making those above changes and it went back to around 69 which is normal for what I'm clocked at right now.
Zeppelin is saying it's enabled by default in Android which isn't always true. Many Android builds it's not because of possible stability issues (which I've never had). The context Ieemed as if he was.referring to ICS as well. It's easy to check though and see if it's eabled by default. Type this into a console at a prompt.
mount -o remount,rw rootfs / # short easy way to mount the entire file system read/writr
getprop dalvik.vm.execution-mode
mount -o remount,ro rootfs
Of course all that is going to do is tell you what's listed in build.prop basically since build.prop is basically a batch file for using the setprop method at boot for setting system.variables, and having em stick with each boot. I trust the guys at XDA, but as long as I'm seeing "int:fast" as my vm's execution mode, I'm having a hard time believing JIT is enabled. Is there an app or another test that can be done to answer this? A guy posted this same question on the Google.forums and another responded that they thought they knew the answer and posted a link but the forum is in Korean and unfortunately I no hablo Korean lol. Yeah I could translate the page but I'd feel more.confident answering finding the answer myself. Now I did read somewhere that the JIT "engine" in ICS was built by a different company. I need to find that source as that may help. I also could have incorrect assumption as well.considering I often read late late at night when I should be asleep.
I'll look into it more for the next few hours or until I find a definitive answer since I don't have my son this weekend and sat mornings are boring after Pokeman goes off (yeah I'm 35 and watch Pokeman ppl, one of the few remaining good anime shows even if it's in it's 10000th season and Ash still hasn't beaten the crap outta everyone yet with his.little under powered but always victorious demigod creatures. I still think the dude is just wandering around the forest imagining all this after Brockbserved him up some grub that contained either some Japanese Laughing Mushrooms or any of the psilicybin variety lmao.
Alright back on topic...I'll see what I can find. Is int:fast the same as int:jit in ICS? That's my first question cause if not, that sorta answers our question already. For anyone getting great benchmarks I wouldn't sweat it as like I said, 115 without "supposedly" having JIT enabled is no score to.ashamed of lol. It's an OCD thing. And at least you can make that "Enable JIT" option actually do something now that you know what to change.
And thanks again on the info. I was thinking it would be easier with iCS to change the theme to dark without having to do lots of XML edits to make all the text come out correctly. Do you remember Avalon from back in the Sapphire days on the OG Droid? It was absolutely gorgeous if you liked white themes but they gave up on it as there were.too many white.on white test issues. I wonder if these new styles would help that cause if so I might go grab permission from BMX (I think.Brian [bgill] was in on it too) and try to port it over. I tried porting it to another ROM back then but didnt have much luck. Ended up having two notification.pull down bars one on top of the other .... lol don't ask
.. don't know. It had TONS of XML edits in it and in was hoping ICS would eliminate the need for such massive XML editing just to.change to.a white theme overall and still.have readable text. I'm sure it would eat up a "tiny" bit more juice cause of the AMOLED screen but who cares, I'm already browsing half the day here on a white.background lol.
Alright lemme stop, this is getting long enough. I'll.let ya know what I find travp (travis?)
Edit: Yeah, for some odd reason it's disabled by default. Not sure if is in stock but it sure is in the sources you pulled from. I shouldn't of had to even look it up. The int:fast alone was enough that I should have known. I was maybe thinking something changed in ICS where int:fast also integrated jit...I don't know. I had a long night
![Smile :) :)](
Anyways yeah, just make those changes above to.enable/disable. This post should have been a paragraph long if my head was straight but I wanted to be sure.and not just make.assumptions based off past Android builds. Anyways...have an awesome weekend bro.