I don't think there is a SuperOneClick for mac, you could set up a vm with a program like VMware or Parallels.
{{ WugFresh }}
I don't think there is a SuperOneClick for mac, you could set up a vm with a program like VMware or Parallels.
{{ WugFresh }}
I got it to run using mono... I'm gonna install the 3.4.2 update and let everyone else know how it goes. If all else fails I can sbf right?
Look I ran this for a week or two just to try it out. Then I tried apex 1.41. Holy begeezus..... whatever he put in this rom is great. Best battery life ever. Super smooth no fc's nothing. 3.4.2 is ok but there is nothing in there you can't get with apex.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I don't think there is a SuperOneClick for mac, you could set up a vm with a program like VMware or Parallels.
{{ WugFresh }}
I got it to run using mono... I'm gonna install the 3.4.2 update and let everyone else know how it goes. If all else fails I can sbf right?
Yes, you can also maderstcok.
If you want it to go without a hitch read the instructions here:
Blur 3.4.2
{{ WugFresh }}
Anyone know a working link to the Droid 2 Bootstrap? The link on Koush's website doesn't work. I've already bought the Droid X Bootstrap, so I really don't want to buy it again just because it doesn't work with 3.4.2.....that's still the case, right?
ok i dont know why but i think im making this root thing alot harder then it really is. can someone give step by step intructions on how to root my dx on 3.4.2? thank you in advance
Where may I found the old blur camera? I didn't try the official hotspot app before editing build.prop I'll install agan blur 3.4.2 and tell you what I find, other point I liked from it, was that my contact picture updated automatically and even motorola widget quick contact action