it's not so much catering to iphones as protecting the integrity of their network i said, only those who use ridiculous amounts of data are going to be affected. yes, it's verizon who determines what the definition of "extraordinary" is, but do people really believe that it's 250MB? I mean...really?
I can understand your frustration if you're legitimately using a crapload of data and you're going to be throttled. the truth of the matter is, you are a minority in the sense that the people who legitimately use 20+GB a month can probably be counted on your fingers.
That's not to say that vzw doesn't favor apple over google. of course they do. it's apple, and it's the best selling and most desired smartphone on the planet. obviously apple will get to call a few shots, and that's because their phone is going to bring vzw a lot of money. but in this case, very few people who legitimately use the service are going to be affected.
you're not going to suddenly experience a throttle while you check your facebook on your phone...everyone just relax
Some more VZW PR Spin Doctors , trying to calm a riot , a riot justly deserved .
We will do a tax for the War and once it is over we will drop it (1932) and today we still have that tax it is 2011 and the War spoke of is long over , the point , give them a little they will take miles and miles .
Throttling in any form on a unlimited data plan is wrong , and especially for the iPhone , isn't it just as bad as a person tethering and using loads of data ?
VZW where "unlimited" means for "iPhone users only" .
Protecting a network is one thing , but giving consumers what they pay for is another .
Treating everyone that does not have a iPhone as a stepchild when those people made VZW what it is today is WRONG , any way you slice it or spin it .
The iPhone did not make VZW the iPhone needs VZW . Jobs knew that Android was about to runaway with the market .
Sad when a brand of phone can change a network and the network did not need the phone to make it better .
My $.02