I have heard of people getting billed before after they did this kind of thing. Karma will catch up to you.
I don't know whether or not he gets billed but I know it won't have a thing to do with an imaginary thing called karma. I might have done the same thing as the OP (although I'd unroot it first) & not lose a wink of sleep. Know why? Because everything isn't black & white or absolute. Sometimes people get screwed & sometimes businesses get shafted.
I've never done this with my phone but you better believe I shafted Microsoft on 360's. Was it the right thing to do? In my opinion & in the view of millions of others, yes. Was it ethical? Not so much.
Just because you did the same thing and so did "a million others" doesn't make it the right thing to do. Sorry, but that is a fallacy. Just because something is or is not some way does not mean that it should be that way. Lots of people do lots of things, however that doesn't make it right. He defrauded a vendor...if you are ok with that then that's cool, however it certainly doesn't make it ok.