I just want other's to know the cable companies cannot tell what you doing behind your router, if they did try to tell they be illegally doing so.
I use to run a router behind a hub cause I use to pay for 2 ip's from COX.cable. They sent the lead tech to my house when I had issues cause noone else knew how or what I was doing. They tried to tell me I was illegally using there system so I got a lawyer involved and boom haven't heard another word since. You pay for the service into your house. as long as your not hacking your modem to break speed limits there is nothing they can do.
Same is true for Verizon trying to look into your d/ls. Yes if you bring the hardware to them and they see it rooted and wifi tether in there they can note it and then monitor your d/l's thats about the most they can do legally.
Yes they can turn you off and try to make you pay the ETF, but you can fight it. Then they will just ban you from service and not charge a penny.
In order for them to charge and get away with it they would have had to send you warning before hand, so they have legal paperwork for what they are accusing you of.
So dont be scared of them, as for using an employee account thats different because you signed to give them permission to monitor.