Hi pc747,
Good afternoon to you. My name is Robert and I thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback regarding Verizon Wireless locking bootloader on our mobile devices. Your concerns are always our concerns too and we would certainly regret losing you as our customer. As always our valued customer's feedback is greatly appreciated. As your advocate, it will be my pleasure to assist you today.
pc747, the mobile devices we offer our customers are built to be fully compliant to Verizon Wireless' requirements, including a secure (locked) bootloader. Verizon Wireless does not sell a developer version.
Verizon Wireless has established a standard of excellence in customer experience with our branded devices and customer service. There is an expectation that if a customer has a question, they can call Verizon Wireless for answers that help them maximize their enjoyment and use of their wireless phone.
Depending on the device, an open boot loader could prevent Verizon Wireless from providing the same level of customer experience and support because it would allow users to change the phone or otherwise modify the software and, potentially, negatively affect how the phone connects with the network.
The addition of unapproved software could also negatively affect the wireless experience for other customers. It is always a delicate balance for any company to manage the technology choices we make for our branded devices and the requests of a few who may want a different device experience.
We always review our technology choices to ensure that we provide the best solution for as many customers as possible."
I trust that this information has been helpful to you.
I thank you for allowing me an opportunity to address your concerns regarding Verizon Wireless locking the bootloader on our mobile devices. We continue to appreciate your business and I thank you for being a valued Verizon Wireless customer.
Verizon Wireless
Customer Service
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Man I know verizon has the best coverage but I really can not take their stance on controlling user experiences. And what angers me more is the fact they wrap it in a bow that they are protecting other users. Now at&t, sprint, and tmobile have an inferior network and infrastructure than vzw and yet people with jail broken, unlocked, and rooted devices are not effecting other people's experiences. Yeah I understand if I root my phone I have no right to call customer service for help with my device. It is fair game. But for people who pay full price and own their device they should have the freedom of choice that seems limited on verizon. Man I wish like motorola they change the people up top. Though I doubt that will happen because unlike motorola droves of people are not running to another carrier.
I guess it comes down to what I want more to remain in vzw or have the freedom of choice because the line has been drawn in the sand.
Ok vent over thanks for listening.