People need to understand there is a reason why Verizon is doing what they are doing, they have the best network with the largest coverage of anyone in the USA, that includes 3/4G and Cellular coverage, all the others are so far behind, its a joke, hell Sprint won't roll out LTE till the end of the summer, and only to a few markets, AT&T has started rolling out LTE but is so far behind its laughable. All I know is wherever I go I always can use my phone "can you hear me now
. By the time AT&T or Sprint cover half the market, Verizon will have the whole country covered, and its not just their LTE network that smokes, but I also have Fios TV, which puts Cable to shame, won't even mention satellite "joke". The sayings goes, you get what you pay for, and it is true with pretty much anything today. And if its to good to be true, you know what that means,stay away.
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