Okay, I REALLY like the idea of this case, and the look of the blue carbon-fiber. I would like to get in on this order but would like to know your preliminary thoughts/ideas for the case (i.e. how it's going on, holes/slots for the speakers and mics ect). Things that were mentioned earlier but yet to been answered as you didn't have the mock-up device.
One thing that I did not see in the thread yet is the mention of the second mic on the back of the phone. It's a very small hole but covering it destroys the call quality (as it is a noise cancellation mic)... Seidio learned this the hard way and tried to take the cheap a$$ way to fix it (they just dremeled the holes manually into the cases they already had). You seem very concerned about quality and content I'd just like to see a bit more that is device specific (now that your supplier should have his mock-up device). Thanks. Look forward to your reply.