Bump. 6 People have paid I don't want to end up telling them this can't be done if 4 more do not participate. What do you have to lose?
Possible outcomes of this:
1. You pay and recieve a great product (This is the most probable outcome because when we get the cases before we send them we will, of course, inspect them to make sure they do not hurt our image/reputation before sending them out)
2. You pay and recieve a product that does not fit your phone, or is considered bad quality in your mind, you get your money back. We pay the dollar it would cost to have you send the case back. (Not very probable, but anything could happen)
3. Same as number two but you're still interested in the case because you love the look of it, so we get you to send the case back, and work on another one to give to you. (We do not plan on being like other competition case sellers, you get the point)
If anyone has any questions do not hesitate to ask me. If you are interested in the case give me a message about what color you would like (Black, orange, red, yellow, or blue) and I will reply with my paypal address so you can make your payment.
I want to make this possible for you all, so those who are waiting until the 2nd batch, it may not happen if there isn't a 1st batch to begin with. Refer to the 3 possible outcomes, really what do you have to lose?