As unreliable as wiki can be and i am lazy right now, vzw has 89 million and at&t is at 81.6 so there is a rather large gap between one and two.
Now vzw is going to be getting the pre plus and pixi plus this quarter, which is going to gain them new subscribers from sprint that were holing out until their contracts were up. This deal makes sense for vzw and it completely screws sprint over.
You really think that is "a rather large gap??" Please tell me your kidding. Look at the numbers... there is only 7.4M difference between the two. While that may
sound like a lot if you actually try to put it into perspective it is ONLY
4.3% of 'their' total market share. For giants like this they are for all practical purposes 'dead even.' Ane those numbers show a far greater gap than any offical/actual market reports have over the past year or so. Most official industry reports have them with 2-3% of each other. But hey, great job supporting Wiki.
Now you want me to actually work. Okay AT&T puts on their website that their subscribers number at 77 million, so now the gap is 12 million subscribers or well over 13% of either companies' subscriber totals.
But how is 7.4 million subscriber difference dead even? Say that the average subscriber spends $100 a month, that difference is $ 8,880,000,000 a year more in revenue. Oh look the difference in revenue between the two companies is 15.9 billion. Only the US government considers $58.6 and $42.7 billion about equal.