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Considering switching to iPhone


New Member
I am having so many issues with my Droid X restarting recently after Gingerbread update. I have reset it twice in 2 days and reinstalled the minimum. I am on my 5th replacement. They offered me the option to switch to a Fascinate or an early upgrade and I can get an iPhone. I really like my Droid but it keeps letting me down with updates. I don't do anything fancy, I just want a reliable phone. Any suggestions?
Well the iphone does have notifications now.... I kid...

Have you tried sbfing back to Froyo? (As an "early upgrade" means your stuck with the iphone that is likely to soon be the last generation model?) I do know plenty of folks who enjoy their iphones but I wouldn't want to miss out on an upgrade when we may have the next iphone in another 6 months or so? Are the rumors still leaning that way?
Man, I thought I had it bad because I didn't like the blue in GB. I've only had my phone a few weeks and it's been awesome. Are there really that many problems with these?

I'm sort of anti Apple (not the fruit, just the company), but I could definitely see you looking that way if you've had that much trouble. FWIW, the people I know with them love them. But the people I know with Xs love them as well.

I'd say try SBFing but if not at least check out a verizon iPhone forum. I don't really know much about their reliability, etc. But they do have a Chipotle app. :D
Don't go the way of the phone just because of a bad experience with gb. I've had 0 issues with gb so its possible that more people are not having issues with it. You just don't read about it as much. Try the DROID x2 or any outher android phone. But then again if you don't care about what personalizing your phone and being stuck with what you get then I phone is for you. Just don't give up on android just because of an update. Its not androids fault its the phone.

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I also have had very few problems with the GB update (always stock though?) I see all these horror stories I wonder how much of it is app conflicts for ones that haven't been updated for GB yet... although this person said they tried resetting the phone? Still problems before starting to load on the apps?
i had similar issues as the OP and was ready to strap my DX (also #5) to a brick and chuck it thru Verizon's window.

I tried reseting it but no luck, and it kept doing it. so I ended up clearing out the GB ota off the card SBF'ing it back to froyo and downloading the GB update again and this time no more random restarts.

I held off on the TBH root flash to see if someone had a one click option but got tired of waiting so ended up doing it all over again to get my root back.
How can you even consider an iphone after having a 4.3" screen..its 3.5" display is a joke....my brothers got the iphone 4,if you are a heavy user,expect to be on the charger 1/2 the day by the time the phone is 6 months old,the battery will be gone,just like his,and you cant do anything about it.Just SBF to 2.2,gingerbread is a joke,battery life is terrible,it is unstable,and wasnt ready for release,but they released it anyway.
If its a joke then why does it run great on my phone. I have 0 issues and my phone is faster better at everything with gb. Makes me think that people messed with there phone so much that it will never be right again.

My battery right now is at 40% at 14hours with moderate use
and not bad.
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If you want to switch to the iPhone, go for it. Don't let anyone tell you not to or you shouldn't. If you feel that it's the best choice for then get your iPhone.
I decided to stick it out for one more phone. Verizon is sending me another Droid X today. They said it would have Gingerbread installed. I am hoping something went wrong with the OTA update and there install might be better. They offered another model droid like the Fascinate but I would have to buy a new case. I will also format the memory card just to be safe before installing anything. I don't mind the lack of customizations on the iphone (would rather have stability). The screen is the big factor. I played with one of the work ones yesterday before deciding and it was too small for me. I am going to try and hold out and see if the next version has a bigger screen. Fingers crossed on the replacement.
My fascinate is cool but I wouldn't take it over the droid x. Maybe you can factory reset the x if it doesnt work this time around.

Sent from my fascinate
The screen is the big factor. I played with one of the work ones yesterday before deciding and it was too small for me. I am going to try and hold out and see if the next version has a bigger screen. Fingers crossed on the replacement.

I think the screen would be a big factor for me. I used to think the iPhone was big (I've always had small flip phones til the X). Now it seems puny. Good luck with the new phone. My GB works great so hopefully you've just had a series of duds.
I decided to try an other Droid X. Verizon sent me one yesterday with Gingerbread installed. I was beginning to think there was hope. Everything was working great (fast, good battery life). Then today already on my first reboot of the day. The only thing running was Pandora and I had working in the Browser. I love the phone but hate the issues. My wife's Droid 2 reboots but not as often so she is living with it. Now to decide if I should live with the Droid X till the fall to see what the new Iphone looks like or jump now and sell the X. :icon_ nono2: