The Charge is a good phone. I don't see why people keep knocking it or thinking that all 4G phones are horrible and have horrible battery life when the only phone they have in mind is the Thunderbolt.
The only reason I don't have a Charge is because I've been waiting for the dual core Bionic since we first heard the names Olympus and Etna.
I think if you're going to wait for the Bionic, then wait but if you're going to complain about ___ or ___ then just go somewhere else. Sure you can compare it to the GSII but in the end, one has LTE and the other doesn't. So can all the haters, trolls, GSII fanboys please leave the Bionic forum and go somewhere else. The people that are looking forward to the Bionic or at least somewhat interested in it don't want to see all the negativity.
You don't know that the GSII won't be 4g LTE, as they've already released info that they're adding a physical keyboard to it on one carrier.
I'm sure if they're willing to completely add something like that to the phone they could make it a little wider to incorporate a 4G LTE radio.
Last I checked everyone has a right to be on a forum who abides by it's rules.
That is not true about the physical keyboard on one of the other carriers. They retracted that.. No on the LTE thing. If it comes out between now and September it will not have an LTE radio. The radio is to big for the GS2. If they put one in they will not have the slimmest phone as they said the GS2 is because the form would change and will be as thick as the other phones. 2nd gen LTE radio will be in next years line of phones. The earliest will be in December of this year. So those of you that want the GS2 with LTE be prepared to wait.. But from all I heard from contacts is it will be 3G.
So you're saying this info about the slide out keyboard, which is directly from them is a lie?
Additional AT&T SGH-I927 Samsung Galaxy SII with Slider Pics