Can you post the email from google? I'm interested in seeing it too.Get ur card carrier to email ur gmail address anytime card is used. My phone let's me know every time a purchase is made, problem solved, still haven't gottb my muneys back yet
Can you post the email from google? I'm interested in seeing it too.
Can you post the email from google? I'm interested in seeing it too.
You would need to have your bank email you.....
google has emailed me back and admited fault and that their server may be comprimised they are aware , and working, they have ZERO problem refunding me everything even if visaor wal mart wouldnt, wich they did, but google stands by their work, and responded quickly, i stress to EVERYONE CHECK YOUR STATEMENTS NOW and see , count apps if u have to bc if it happened once , it will happen again, as they said , it says secure, but nothing with an internet connection is 100 % safe
Can you post the email from google? I'm interested in seeing it too.
You would need to have your bank email you.....
this email
google has emailed me back and admited fault and that their server may be comprimised they are aware , and working, they have ZERO problem refunding me everything even if visaor wal mart wouldnt, wich they did, but google stands by their work, and responded quickly, i stress to EVERYONE CHECK YOUR STATEMENTS NOW and see , count apps if u have to bc if it happened once , it will happen again, as they said , it says secure, but nothing with an internet connection is 100 % safe
This is the point of Google Checkout. The people you're buying from never have access to your credit card information, they just get paid. It's not impossible to be hacked, of course, but the fact that yours was has nothing to do with who you bought the apps from. Some probably kid in Russia.
Nothing on the internet is 100% safe, if someone wants it, they will find a way to get it.
For instance, the Iranians who hacked into the video feed off of the UAV's that Air Force flies with 30$ over the counter software. And heck that's the military.
Honestly I think it was something besides Google Checkout. Maybe Walmart or something with the user's computer (idk how you activate these).So far, we have no real evidence that this actually happened. How do we know that evilsock isn't an evil sock puppet out to damage Google's credibility?
And don't pull the old "an evil sock puppet would never use evil sock as their name". You probably believe the Google "Don't Be Evil" motto too, don't you?
Anyway, even if true, there's lots of ways to steal these card numbers, including simple guesswork. I've heard that in the case of store-bought gift cards, people will copy down a bunch of numbers, and then they'll keep trying the numbers until someone buys them and activates them. So maybe it's not Google Market that's compromised at all, maybe it's these Walmart credit cards.