"mount options" are for mounting and unmount partitions on the phone such as /system or /sdcard. In order for you to copy a file to the phone, the partition you're copying to needs to be mounted, so you can use that menu to mount. The wipe data/factory settings option erases /data and is basically a clean restore to the same ROM.yea those restore points are great, so what's the other option like wipe cache or whatever it is..i see where i can install a rom, backup/restore, but what are those other options
I have the recovery image from SpsychoS ver 14, can I use Cyanogen?
I see lots of what I want to do under Cyno.
Also, I want to partition my sd card, Cynogen allows me to do such a thing, but I cant find out where to do it under SpsychoS, Ive looked everywhere they either referance cyanogen or xda (which only does HTC devices)..
Any help???
Motorola Droid, Rooted, Android 2.1, SpsychoS Recovery
I am having the same problem and have not been able to figure out what the issue is either. I am getting the same exact error.I am currently trying to flash custom recovery and make it to where I am supposed to flash the image to the recovery partition and get the following error:
/data/local/flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-0.99.2b.img
link_image[1714]: 1495 could not load needed library 'ibc.so' for '/data/local/
flash_image' (load_library[1051]: Library 'ibc.so' not found)CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
Can someone help me out?
omg plz someone help me:
I typed su, and it opened Superuser Permissions, but where do i type all this?
3 - mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system - this mounts /system as a writable partition
4 - mkdir /system/xbin - if it already exists you will simply get an error
5 - cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/xbin/flash_image
6 - chmod 700 /system/xbin/flash_image - validate permissions on /system/xbin/flash_image - you are the root user after all, don't need world and group executable or even read =)