Ever since I flashed the nightly for 7/18 and I try to go cutsom recovery I just get the "M" logo, and it sits there. I have never been able to get Clockwork recovery installed from ROM manager and have it work. So I uninstalled the app and installed droid 2 boostrapper even though it says not to use it with CM7. However its worked fine. When I tried to flash clockwork from ROM manager it just gave me the M logo. Now even after using rsdlite to reflash to stock, then reflash to CM7, and then I try to use bootstrappers custom recovery it again will back to the M logo again. No amount of wiping and formatting all the , boot, system, data, cache from boostrapper fixes the phone seizing on M when I attempt to reboot into recovery. Any one else have a issue like this? It all worked fine before flashing nightly's for 7/18. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance