Camera still mirrored but can usually get it to act right after flipping from camera to camcorder and back quickly.
Battery is much better for me on build 24 but I think that has to do with me turning off mobile data overnight. Without doing that I was averaging a drain of 20 to 40% overnight with no use. Last night with data turned off it only dropped 2% in 8 hours. Since my last charge it has been exactly 13 hours and I am at 71%. It still seems to drop fairly quickly with data on and while doing stuff on the phone though. I am much happier now without the great drain overnight.
Thanks man!I think it's not yet time for me to switch,I'll wait till the Final release,but really i like the's fast!!
Hey, no problem. Figured I'd post a small update. I have since wiped cache and updated to rev's build 25. Didn't restore anything just downloaded necessities from market. I used cm7's built in performance settings to set max cpu to 1000Mhz. Keeping my data off unless I need it is helping out a lot. I've used my phone quite a bit for the last few hours, so it's dropped a lot since i've gotten home from work but since my last charge it's been 22 hours and 6 minutes and I am at 29% battery. I also have my screen timeout at 15sec and my screen on dim unless I need to bump up the brightness.
Have you read REV. latest post? PS. was late!!Unofficial nightlies have been around for a good while now, still plenty of bugs in there though. Separate note, is tomorrow the update for motoblurred 2.3? I reverted to stock and am right now just spamming check for updates. Most of the time, it comes up as unavailable, check later.
Have you read REV. latest post? PS. was late!!Unofficial nightlies have been around for a good while now, still plenty of bugs in there though. Separate note, is tomorrow the update for motoblurred 2.3? I reverted to stock and am right now just spamming check for updates. Most of the time, it comes up as unavailable, check later.![]()
So i first installed cyanogenmod with the 7.25 nightly and have downloaded the 7.27 nightly
To install it, do I still need to wipe data and cache?