I honestly think this phone, which is an awesome phone, never was really taken seriously.
It never even had access to HTC's own line of downloadable widgets.
Problem is most people assumed that because it was bundled with a gimmick like the Dre Beats that is was a subpar phone and it never really had a shot.I honestly think this phone, which is an awesome phone, never was really taken seriously.
It never even had access to HTC's own line of downloadable widgets.
Still on VZW for 199.99!
Given that it may be the best VZW smart phone currently available, why would they discontinue it?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
It's not the "best VZW smart phone currently available" - at least not spec-wise. Don't let the 1.5GHz speed of the chipset fool you. The issue with the Scorpion chipset (Snapdragon S3) found in the Rezound is that it is based on an outdated design. It is based on the ARM Cortex A8 CPU core, while the OMAPs found in the Motorola devices and the GNex are Cortex A9 based. The Rezound's chipset was news last year at this time, but has become outdated.
If a new phone is coming down the pike with a Snapdragon S4, well, they would have very good reason to discontinue the Rezound.
This is the most under rated phone out there.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
I don't know about discontinued but the Rezound has definitely been something of a second class citizen at VZ. Almost every display in the local store has Moto Droids but only 1 lonely Rezound. There was an entire section of Razr accessories but the Rezound stuff was off in a corner. The VZ kiosk at the local Sams club has all the other top tier phones like IPhone and Razr but no Rezound. Some big web sites like Anandtech didn't even bother to review it and those that did seemed more interested in flash than functionality.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
That's weird, at my local store they were steering me away from the Droid Razr, Bionic, and Gnex all due to their antenna issues. They also said you shouldn't pay $300 for a Gnex because you'll be just as happy, of not happier with a Rezound. Guess it varies by service rep.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Similar thing happened to me. When I was having problems with data drops on my Bionic, I wanted to replace it with a Rezound. The "Manager" said that she could not do that since the Rezound was a in a higher quality class of quality than all Motorola phones, my Bionic specifically.
I disagree with that. My bionic is better than the rezound anyday...
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