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Discontinued already??

Man, you must have a special bionic. Cause that phone is nothing but problems. Mainly data drops all day. In no way shape or form is the bionic a better phone than the Rezound. Majority of people would agree.

Sent from my HTC Rezound

Correction...problems for u and others. I have not had one problem yet and I've had it since early november. Explain what makes the rezound better. And dont include beats by dre cuz that is just an equalizer setting.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Man, you must have a special bionic. Cause that phone is nothing but problems. Mainly data drops all day. In no way shape or form is the bionic a better phone than the Rezound. Majority of people would agree.

Sent from my HTC Rezound

U couldn't be more wrong. Data drops all day? Gimme a break. The only time my bionic doesn't have data is when Verizon has a 4g outage during which time ur rezound doesn't have it either unless u have a special resound. And it used to have a few bugs which people blew out of proportion but it has been bug free since 893/902 and the 904 update is being pushed out now. Anyone who is mature could recognize that they are both superphones but IMHO, my bionic could run circles around your resound anyday. Especially with my extended battery in. I assume most resound owners don't own the extended battery because it's so fugly idk how anyone could bear it- therefore u prolly can't leave ur 4g on all day or if u do then u better not stay out too late without charging.
To everyone else I apologize for this rant but I'm so sick of ignorant people that heard the bionic was bad and they run around acting like they have experience with one- when in reality it goes toe to toe with anything out there. The only phone I'd consider trading it for is the razr maxx and I wouldn't want to do that because I like having the option to keep and extra charged battery with me in case I need to reload cause I forgot to charge my extended batt. For a couple days. :) all is well that ends ok so I love u and have a great day

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Ding ding ding ding....this is not Rezound Vs Bionic part 2. This is a discussion about trying to figure out why the Rezound would be potentially discontinued. Let's keep it on topic.
To everyone else I apologize for this rant but I'm so sick of ignorant people that heard the bionic was bad and they run around acting like they have experience with one- when in reality it goes toe to toe with anything out there. The only phone I'd consider trading it for is the razr maxx and I wouldn't want to do that because I like having the option to keep and extra charged battery with me in case I need to reload cause I forgot to charge my extended batt. For a couple days. :) all is well that ends ok so I love u and have a great day

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

That's exactly what I didn't after many Bionic's I switched to a RAZR MAXX and I am happy for the most part. I must of had one of the ONLY Bionic's that didn't ever work. It has a superb potential but I cannot use a phone on potential alone. The Rezound was going to be their only option for a switch out, and but it wasn't going to be a viable solution for me. The Rezound isn't discontinued but one you make it to the switch out line its where you're headed.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums
Correction...problems for u and others. I have not had one problem yet and I've had it since early november. Explain what makes the rezound better. And dont include beats by dre cuz that is just an equalizer setting.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

HTC Rezound vs Motorola DROID BIONIC

More powerful processor, better screen, slightly better network reception (based on their tests, of course).

I don't have experience with the Bionic, but I have seen a lot of complaints. At any rate, the way the network works, no 2 phones will have the exact same experience as each other. There are a lot of factors, such as signal strength, tower issues, buggy firmware that only affects some handsets, etc, that can result in a great experience or a not so great one. Obviously you haven't had any problems. That's great. Others have had horrendous experiences.

Lesson is that you can't really judge a phone by one other persons' experience. I would recommend everyone do as much research as possible, by reading both professional reviews, and forums like these, to get an idea of what they MIGHT expect. I researched for a couple weeks before deciding Rezound vs Nexus. I read both forums here and several comparison and straight up review sites. I made a very informed decision, and I am happy with it.
Man, you must have a special bionic. Cause that phone is nothing but problems. Mainly data drops all day. In no way shape or form is the bionic a better phone than the Rezound. Majority of people would agree.

Sent from my HTC Rezound

Bionic has better battery life, voice call quality, RF performance, and has the Webtop feature if that is of any use to you. It also has dedicated microHDMI out, whereas the Rezound has MHL. I personally prefer the simplicity of microHDMI. I also prefer the Bionic's styling and slimmer formfactor. The screen is brighter and can be seen in direct sunlight.. and foxfi works on bionic...not the rezound. My brother has the rezound and they are the same speed. And screen clarity is not much different...i can't even tell when watching hd video. And i know this is irrelevant to the topic...so I'm done. But don't diss the bionic if u don't want to be corrected. Not trying to start anything...jus saying.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Bionic has better battery life, voice call quality, RF performance, and has the Webtop feature if that is of any use to you. It also has dedicated microHDMI out, whereas the Rezound has MHL. I personally prefer the simplicity of microHDMI. I also prefer the Bionic's styling and slimmer formfactor. The screen is brighter and can be seen in direct sunlight.. and foxfi works on bionic...not the rezound. My brother has the rezound and they are the same speed. And screen clarity is not much different...i can't even tell when watching hd video. And i know this is irrelevant to the topic...so I'm done. But don't diss the bionic if u don't want to be corrected. Not trying to start anything...jus saying.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

After numerous issues including 2 hour or less battery, RF Interferance causing me to be written up at work, data drops weren't as bad as people make them out to be but only after several updates, Overheating and random shut downs. Given the choice I would have taken the Rezound over the Bionic, and but I need the Webtop feature so I went with the Razr Maxx.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums
Yep...just read that. And whoever wrote that review is a complete idiot. It does not include any of the everyday uses of the differences. Specs don't always mean everything...but I'm glad that phone looks good in writing.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

It looks pretty damn slick in reality too, not just on paper. From experience. Specs don't mean everything but they can sure make a difference.

At any rate, as for the discontinuation, I doubt it. I am really surprised they under-promoted this thing. I would be surprised if they discontinued it before the normal price dropped to under $100. Or even free. Shoot, they still offer phones from early last year for free!

Will it be discontinued eventually? Yeah, they all do. But 6 months? Doubtful.

these threads that turn into rezound vs bionic are where I stop biting my lip.. I owned a bionic from launch date to 2 months later, when VZW swapped me for a rezound because of CONSTANT complaints/issues. None related to screen quality. Data drops were a constant and a given when in 3G areas. Functionality.. SD card couldn't be used for storing apps or they would completely disappear randomly. Black screen lockups every so often completely dismissing functionality. Battery life.. yeah it was good because of the pentile screen, which btw.. is CRAP. if you can't see a difference between the rezound and bionic watching an hd movie at arm's length or less.. come see me, I'm an optician working with an ophthalmologist, I think we can help ;).

As for the Rezound being D/C already.. no need to get in such a wad over it guys, it happens. HTC is supposedly working towards making it happen less often, but its a fact of the technological world, if it is true so be it. Otherwise.. well stock up on batteries and phone covers LOL

these threads that turn into rezound vs bionic are where I stop biting my lip.. I owned a bionic from launch date to 2 months later, when VZW swapped me for a rezound because of CONSTANT complaints/issues. None related to screen quality. Data drops were a constant and a given when in 3G areas. Functionality.. SD card couldn't be used for storing apps or they would completely disappear randomly. Black screen lockups every so often completely dismissing functionality. Battery life.. yeah it was good because of the pentile screen, which btw.. is CRAP. if you can't see a difference between the rezound and bionic watching an hd movie at arm's length or less.. come see me, I'm an optician working with an ophthalmologist, I think we can help ;).

As for the Rezound being D/C already.. no need to get in such a wad over it guys, it happens. HTC is supposedly working towards making it happen less often, but its a fact of the technological world, if it is true so be it. Otherwise.. well stock up on batteries and phone covers LOL

Well u and Yaterml must have had defective bionics..cuz mine is perfect. And no, i don't need help seeing, i have 20/20 vision. I'm not saying it's a bad phone at all...but it's not better than "my" bionic. Not his or her bionic...mine. Maybe it's just the sense overlay that makes it laggy. And ppl complain about the rezound just as much..

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Well u and Yaterml must have had defective bionics..cuz mine is perfect. And no, i don't need help seeing, i have 20/20 vision. I'm not saying it's a bad phone at all...but it's not better than "my" bionic. Not his or her bionic...mine. Maybe it's just the sense overlay that makes it laggy. And ppl complain about the rezound just as much..

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

This Guy is correct. Your arguments are futile

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Bionic has better battery life, voice call quality, RF performance, and has the Webtop feature if that is of any use to you. It also has dedicated microHDMI out, whereas the Rezound has MHL. I personally prefer the simplicity of microHDMI. I also prefer the Bionic's styling and slimmer formfactor. The screen is brighter and can be seen in direct sunlight.. and foxfi works on bionic...not the rezound. My brother has the rezound and they are the same speed. And screen clarity is not much different...i can't even tell when watching hd video. And i know this is irrelevant to the topic...so I'm done. But don't diss the bionic if u don't want to be corrected. Not trying to start anything...jus saying.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

I'm just saying I had the bionic on launch day and was so hyped about getting it only to come and find out about a month of dealing with data drops, rebooting issues and after 3 exchanges I gave up on it. There are things that make the rezound a better phone. Unlocked boot loader, like someone mentioned better 4g reception, better screen, more CPU speed and a number of less issues than the bionic. Plus the rezound gets better developer support. I have 4 lines on my account and I have owned all of Verizon's top 4g phones. The only phone I have never had a problem with is the rezound. The razor and razr maxx I didn't get to well of a reception at my house and also same with the nexus. So I ended up selling those phones and coming back to the rezound where I can hold a steady 4g signal with no dropouts considering the towers where I live are not the greatest like the major cities like San Jose. Plus reading on these rezound forums there are not alot of issues with this phone compared to the bionic forums where I would read alot of people posting reception and rebooting problems when I owned it.

Anyways, back to the topic. I still don't know why they have already started to discontinued this phone. Its a rock solid phone. I love it.

Sent from my HTC Rezound