[DISCONTINUED THEME] * EpicBlue for Liberty 1.5 D2/D2G


theres another on that works... blue themed. Ive tried it on my D1, D2 and DX no issues~

Just push it thru using terminal~

cp /sdcard/Vending.apk /system/app
Thanks bud!

Edit: figured the problem out it only happens when using any launcher pro plus widget!

Living Free, hopefully not Dyingk I
Sick theme man I love the attention to detail and the perfection of all the images! I have one quick question. What xml has the code that I need to change for the calculator buttons to be colored like yours ?
I still love the hell out of this theme.
As soon as I figure out MetaMorph, I'll love it more.
I'm assuming that I just download the patch files and apply them through metamorph the same way I'd apply a theme, yes?
Install Metamorph from the market. Place the patch file onto your sdcard. Open Metamorph, follow the prompts and the instructions for that specific patch from post 4.

Sent from 1885
ah crap, i hate facebook... if you want my themed version, uninstall updates, i'll get around to the new version.
ah crap, i hate facebook... if you want my themed version, uninstall updates, i'll get around to the new version.

haha .. no biggie. I get annoyed with it to but still use it :( .. but I don't really care about the update either way lol