Please read my post about 3 up from here. This is a very easy situation to correct and there is no need to replace your phone. If the factory reset does not fix the problem then reformatting your sd card will.
Why take a chance on getting a crappy refurb when it's a very simple thing to fix? I don't understand why people want to make things so complicated.
We read it, but I don't think that it is the fix. If you don't know what caused it, then a simple reset most likely will not fix it, and neither will formatting your SD card.
The reason is that the issue seemed to come up with the latest release. We can do a reset, but as soon as we install a certain app, or whatever the real problem happens to be, we will be right back where we started.
What you suggest is the "Microsoft Windows Fix"... meaning, whenever your machine acts up, just reboot it. That fixes things only until you relaunch that app, access that file, or your video driver crashes again.
It's a short term fix at best, and so we are trying to figure out what the real solution, if any, there is.