I'm going to be switching from my BB Storm at the end of the week. I wanted to get a Droid X. I came here to read up on it but, it seems everything I read is about the problems it has. Should I skip the Android line all together?
I have two Tours. One is personal and will be replaced in Dec with a Droid; most likely a X.
If you go to the BB forums, it would appear that every BB Tour was a POS, had to be replaced numerous times, and was not worth being used as a target at a rifle range.
Well, both of my Tours have been great from a hardware point of view. Never a problem with the trackballs, never a problem with the screen. Only problems I have with the BBs are the processors are comparative to a Commodore 64. So, for my personal device, I need good phone reception and some speed to do other things. BB fails on the second part of speed, but does have great reception.
For all those negatives you read on this forum, remember that forums are noted for people coming here with problems. There are thousands of Droid X owners who have never come here, because they have never had a problem.
So, when viewing a forum, make sure to take into account, only a small minority of device owners come here to complain, while a number come here to help, and more come here to read up on the different devices.
Could you get a bad device? Sure, but I would bet your chances of getting a good, trouble free device are a thousand times better.