About the only real downside to the Omnia other than an occasional re-boot was the special connector for the headphones & such. Never could remember where I put 'em....
Operationally, I'm sure that the engineers never actually used one. When using the phone, for example, the screen blanked almost instantly, making turning on the speaker or mute, or using the keypad, a bear. First the "wake up" button, and then QUICKLY press the needed key. Kinda like texting while driving - a very bad idea.
Otherwise, the stylus was a joke (it should have been built in), but I got used to carrying another one. I wish the DroidX would work with a stylus, but so far, no.... My fingers are a little pudgy....
The Omnia accepts an add-in memory card (same type as the DroidX, microSD, I think), but the battery went to guess where while using it. Haven't tried in the DroidX yet.
Other than Java in the browser, it'll certainly do the job I need.
Naturally, the "new every two" and the "new model every ten minutes" tend to collide. I'm not really an early adopter, but this just seemed like a good way to go. Until I found out about the Java

, but the one site I need is also working on something or other.... I found a Java add-in someplace, but it didn't work for me....
Not an early adopter.... I had one of the first 50 cellphones in the County. A co-worker needed one, and asked me to go ahead and get one to evaluate the whole mess. Sounds silly, but he had the rank

. I think his first month's usage was $600! Meantime, I was doing a lot of in-town chasing around, and it probably evened out - about $75/month initially - v.s. mucking with pay phones and such. I could have easily justified one of the older mobile phone setups available locally, but didn't like them. A Ham Radio "autopatch" filled in for personal use rather well, too, which provided some inertia. Never really looked back once the first Motorola landed in the trunk.
El Presidente thought the whole thing was silly, btw. But he let us play. We had a major fire at one location in town, and I used to stop by and check on the guards when near. I happened to turn up one afternoon while he was frantically trying to find the guard to use his radio and ask another location to stay open until some very important insurance paperwork could be picked up. When I showed up, you could see the light go on over his head: "That car's got a PHONE in it!" He never said another word

.... (He never got one, either, but his wife did....)
(Among other things, I handled Security and Telcom, as well as computers. Semi-retired rent-a-cop, too, now. "Armed Programmer".... First time I ran into a cellphone, although I was quite aware of 'em, I figured "800 mhz? - that can't work." Once in a while I'm wrong

.... That was about 1985.)