Does your Rezound do this?


Silver Member
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I have a Rezound that I got from the local VZW store, and my girlfriend got one yesterday from Amazon's 1 penny deal.

When we woke up this morning, BOTH phones were not connected to Wifi and neither phone had 3G or 4G data connections. They both had to be rebooted in order to restore connections. Mine did this once the other day and I had to reboot it.

Oh, and yesterday on the way to the VZW store, my phone just rebooted on it's own while it was sitting on the arm rest of the car. Is the random reboot issue still not fixed? It has plagued the TBolt since day 1 and they never fixed it, and now it is affecting the Rezound?

I am searching for this data drop issue, maybe it is a sleep setting or something? It is odd that both phones did it.

Anything I should look for as far as settings go? I know that on my phone, in the advanced network area, the sleep policy for wifi is set to "Never"...
Sounds like you got a bad one. First thing would be to try a stock reset(Battery pull, hold power and volume down, reset to factory) If that doesn't solve it, return the sucker to Verizon for an exchange.
Yeah, but what are the chances that we got two phones, from two different sources, that do the exact same thing at the exact same time?

My fear is that like almost every phone on the market, they are released before they are ready. Marketing controls the phone releases, not quality control, and as a result, almost every phone is released to market with known issues, some of them substantial ones. But they figure that the cost of fixing it later is cheaper than the money that would be lost be not selling the phone for another month, so we the customers get shafted each and every time.

I can do a hard reset but if there is a flaw in the hardware, the OS, some software, etc... it will only put a bandaid on it for a week till it starts doing it again. I have never seen a phone that was actually permanently fixed by a factory reset. It is always a temporary fix at best.

I would agree that it could be a bad phone, but the chances of both of them being bad in exactly the same way, seems pretty slim, no?

As for the random reboot, that has been an issue with Android in general. Had two TBolts that did it no matter what OS was on there, and the same with my DX. Did it with Froyo, GB and only went away when I moved the DX to CM7. So I know it is a software issue, probably from one of the VZW apps, which is why CM7 fixed it.
I have a moto phone and not an htc, but wether it was stock, the multitude of froyo roms or cm7, I have only had lockups/random reboots due to playing music while running gameboid. So....yeah.
Sounds like you got a bad one. First thing would be to try a stock reset(Battery pull, hold power and volume down, reset to factory) If that doesn't solve it, return the sucker to Verizon for an exchange.
No and this

Edit: If for whatever reason you are apprehensive about going into the store for a exchange try temp rooting and freezing the plethora of bloatware
If you poke around the forums you'll see that a number of weird issues can and have been fixed by factory resets. I'm chalking most issues up to software problems mainly because I don't have any of these problems(so far *knock on wood*)
I will try a rest. SOmething just seems off. I have the huge 2,750mAH extended battery, and it has gone down 10% in a little over an hour with only about 6 minutes of the screen actually being on. I know that HTC phones are the absolute worst when it comes to battery life, but that is just crazy. The stock battery would drop 20% in an hour with the screen off, while the Razr would drop maybe 5% at most in that amount of time.
Yeah that's crazy. I can run a full day (24 hours) with my extended battery and that's playing with the phone all day long.
Did a factory reset and it seems ok, except that the screen seems pretty hot, and also, performance in Quadrant and Antutu has taken a plunge, like down to 1600 in Quadrant, where it was 2,400 before...
Did a factory reset and it seems ok, except that the screen seems pretty hot, and also, performance in Quadrant and Antutu has taken a plunge, like down to 1600 in Quadrant, where it was 2,400 before...

Did you freeze/re-freeze the bloat? I know my score actually got better after I started digging out the VZW/Sense crap. Still haven't gotten it all yet but I'll only be truly happy when I have full root. My last piece of advice is if the phone still doesn't feel right, exchange it. Don't be happy until you get a phone that is right for you. That's what we pay for, right?
Did you freeze/re-freeze the bloat? I know my score actually got better after I started digging out the VZW/Sense crap. Still haven't gotten it all yet but I'll only be truly happy when I have full root. My last piece of advice is if the phone still doesn't feel right, exchange it. Don't be happy until you get a phone that is right for you. That's what we pay for, right?

No, I have not rooted and don't want to until there is a reliable and stable way to permanently root the device, and a .zip file that I can throw on the SD card in the event that something goes wrong, I want to be able to restore the phone.

I got a Razr and had some issues so I exchanged it for the Rezound, so my "one exchange" as per the return policy is already used up I think.

Just reran Quadrant and got over 3,100, and Antutu seems to be around 5,450 or so during multiple runs, which sounds about right... Antutu is slightly slower than the Razr was, probably because it has to do the graphics tests at higher rez... more pixels means more fill-rate needed and it will bring the score down just like it does on a PC I guess...
Me and my girl have the rezound and neither one of us experienced the things you are experiencing. My experience is quite joyful to tell you the truth. I'm afraid to get an OTA, because it might mess up the phone lol.
Nope, I have not had those issues. I know this may sound stupid but did you turn off auto wifi??? I have a love-hate relationship with it but at home it is nice since it means less battery drainage.
I love this phone and I had an DX before. Good Luck!
Is the random reboot issue still not fixed? It has plagued the TBolt since day 1 and they never fixed it, and now it is affecting the Rezound?

Hmm odd... my ThunderBolt had the reboot issue only after the update that caused it and when they released the next update that was supposed to fix it, mine stopped rebooting, as intended.

I am searching for this data drop issue, maybe it is a sleep setting or something? It is odd that both phones did it.

I know that sleep or power saver mode will drop data connections when the screen is off-- my Rezound has done that... One thing I did notice with the power saver mode though is that once it's on, it doesn't seem to turn itself back off even though the phone got charged up. My TBolt would automatically go back to normal when charging but with the Rezound I've had to manually get it back to normal... o_O:blink:
Well, no issues since the hard reset. LOL

We shall see if it continues. I just removed a ton of bloat, so that may have helped as well.