Well, phone was just sitting here on the desk and it rebooted itself, wasn't even using the phone at the time. Both TBolts did that, the DX did it, etc... I guess I will just have to live with it if they won't let me exchange it. Being that I already got one exchange, I don't know how to go about getting another one. I traded the Razr for this and I was told that was it, but if the phone is defective, don't they have to replace it?
This is true. The public is not strong enough or just doesn't have the power to not buy the stuff. And the wireless providers are no better, because they stick us in a 2 year deal and shorten the return time on us (DAMN YOU VERIZON) I swear....my next phone I may just buy flat out with no contract. I'm tired of contracts. if my phone doesn't work, I just want another one that does, or my money back. Squire, I feel the people at the top of these companies are just some blood suckers. Because if they really cared, then they'd filter down their demands and it would be so. Steve jobs demanded close to perfection. He was relentless in his pursuit. Probably why his health deteriorated quickly (RIP) But if we had more company leaders like him, we'd have a whole new world of technology I believe.
Sometimes you have to be a jerk to get what you want out of people. Not saying that I would be a jerk to get what I want, but as a head of a company like that, you don't want your name to go down in infamy. So you try to put out the best product and bring out the best in your developers. He had some slick innovations, but yes he had a limiting OS as usual. Still....the phone works. Not everyone can be gear heads like us. The majority of folks out there don't like to mess around with settings and stuff too much. They just want to make calls, surf the net, play a few games to waste some time, send a few pics and videos. They don't care about free tethering, customs ROMS, battery life profiles, etc. So he pretty much catered to the less techie masses. Gear heads know they an iphone is a good phone, but not the phone for them. android phones are where it's at...long as we have s-off and unlocked bootloaders and stuff. lol.