So I have been tearing apart the new ROM and have all blur removed besides the dialer and contacts. I think I may have the contacts problem figured out so we can go back to the google contacts. All widgets are gone and all extra services. Oh yeah, I have to leave setup.apk in there cause that is what is handling the accounts so will work on that after the contacts problem. I will have a new ROM posted in a few hours and/or just the the system and framework folders with instructions on how to install since the custom ROMs are leaving lots of old files behind...I have it down to about 107 APK files with DLNA and File Explorer. Stock is about 154 apk files. On first boot there is about 6.33 GB of storage space left on phone and I think stock is 6.27. Also the stock email and corpcal are in there. I do not have exchange server to test with so if someone wants to test it please let me know.
Busy guy...
What do you mean by "stock email and corpcal" above...AFAIK there is no corpcal starting w/Froyo on any Droid (Exchange calendar was integrated into the Droid calendar), so I'm hoping you mean that you will leave the D2 Email client in your customized ROM.
A ROM with the stock google contacts, etc., and the D2 Email client would be very nice...a lot of us with Exchange accounts do like the new Email client on the D2.
I'll be happy to try it out on my phone, but might not have time to do so until tomorrow, looks like I'm going to be out all evening tonight.
There is a corpcal.apk on the stock OD. Not sure if it is used or not but it is there. The problem with leaving the D2 email in ROM is that then you need to have the D2 messaging app and the d2 contacts. I have never used any of the corp features so not sure how they work. Is the D2 corp email so much different that stock email?
If you or anyone want to test it you can download it from
here . The install can be tricky for some. There is a readme.txt file in the rar package that has instructions but here is a break down...
Backup first!!!
Extract app2 and framework2 to sd card
Plug phone into USB using PC Mode
Open command prompt and do following
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
rm /system/app/*.*
rm /system/framework/*.*
cp /sdcard/app2/* /system/app/
cp /sdcard/framework2/* /system/framework/
You are basically wiping out your system/app and system/framework folder and then copying the new files in there. I am trying to figure out an install script to do it with file so one can flash with as a normal ROM.
You do not need to go into bootloader or wipe anything. You must already be on for this too work. This will wipe everything out of your app folder so if anything custom is in there than just move it to the app2 folder before install. All of your other installed programs will remain and settings will remain too.
No Gmail or Maps included since new versions are on market. No blur widgets. About the only thing left over is the blur contacts, dialer, and DNLA. Email is the OD email client, Text message package is from OD, Cal is from OD too and I cant recall what else. I think this is the closest you can get to a vanilla ROM without building from source.
The buildprop disables ICE and allows phone to be used as a USB modem, just have to figure out the settings for it