Thanks for the welcome. The rooting was a bit traumatic, a story I'll save for later. Believe me though I danced a little jig when I got the phone booted back up and saw that Ninjaman.Welcome to the Droid world. Glad you got through rooting your phone.
You will lose root with many OTA updates if not all them.
If you install the D2 Clockwork and Bootstrap that will stop the OTA updates from installing.
Backing up is always good!
I am putting a thread together in the Droid2 Hacks section which should help you get on your way with your new Droid. I will be updating with more info as time goes by so you may want to check it out...shameless plug![]()
I am definitely not allowing this OTA for a day or two. I also need to do a backup.
Just to clarify on two things: I DO need to download ROM Manager in addition to the Bootstrap I've got, they are separate apps that work together?
And Clockwork Recovery is a feature/function of the Bootstrap app?
I'm actually reading that Dev's page now re: this, but since you guys are here tonight...Oh and I'll definitely be checking the D2Hacks area regularly, looking forward to your thread.
Rom manager and bootstrap are complimentary, bootstrap installs recovery and can launch it, Rom manager can update, launch, and use recovery. Do bootstrap first.