I don't know if that was for me Redflea but I'm afraid I can't boot to anything other than the system recovery and to a stuck M logoI did make a backup right after rooting using clockwork but I'm afraid I may have wiped clockwork when I did a wipe/reset to system default or whatever. Now that's the only screen I can get to no matter when I pull the darn battery. I feel as if I've screwed my phone beyond fixing. If you can't get past the M logo stuck or the system recovery is there anything else to do?
Will Verizon be able to get past it and see it was rooted if I take it in?
You have not wiped clockwork, a data/cache or /system wipe doesn't affect that.
So you tried the steps to boot to clockwork and they did not work, eh?
Try the steps above to get into clockwork recovery a couple more times, just to make sure they really aren't working...that is, unless you've already given it several goes.
If that doesn't work you should be able to use a program called RSD Lite and an "sbf" file to put your phone back to functioning state again, so all is not lost.
Mods/gurus - is there a link to the D2 sbf file here, and the current version of RSD lite (I think it's 4.7 w/a patch).