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DROID 2 global Fission Rom will be updated late pm or early am

You guys act like he might not have a form name on here and could just upload some unfinished rom that bricks all globals that attempt it..... patience yung grass hoppers

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App

I agree with that on so many levels.... i mean come on, if you want an update so bad start making it yourself. I takes time and theres bugs with anything.

Sent from my Liberated D2G

Yea you all could just stick with stock and be crybabies to Verizon/Motorola/Google "who really don't care about you in anyway shape or form" then wait for Verizon/Motorola/Google or whoever to fix your wants. "when ever they feel the need" on that note update will get here whn it gets here
get real guys.. Now he is taking suggestions for future ROM and working on to Global get up to current fission build????? That's supposed to be done before server issue. He should have something in his hands to prove himself.. period.

At least he proved one thing.. series of broken promises. that's him.

So seriously, this is ok with everyone?

Here are Angdroid's tweets:

Feb 4th
"New DX & D2G ROMs will be posted late PM or early AM. Need to perform server maintenance and then ROMs will be posted."

Feb 5th
"Small issue with server...working on them now and new ROMs should be showing up when done."

Feb 5th
"@GerrenJones which one do you want, black or white. Get back to me quickly. will be gone most of next week :)"

Feb 6th
"@MentalChaos lol...no. between server issues and engagement ran out of free time. Next couple of days"

" Sorry for my hiatus. Was away for a week. Taking time today to settle back in and have most of the week off to catch up on Fission stuff. Yes, there will finally be a D2 Global update, DX will get the stock theme, Milestone2 ROM work has begun, thanks to all that helped me get one and some more changes will come down the line. Saving some of the bigger changes for gingerbread since it should be around the corner"

SO he makes it sound like the release is done and it is a server issue. Then he tells another user he will be away for a week, but tells us he had server issues and it would be a few days (see Feb 5th and 6th tweet). The comes Feb 13ths tweet that makes it sound like there is no update.

gave up waiting on this.

Charles, what now? The ROM isn't even done?

The internet tracks everything. He should not post such dishonest comments for all to see.

I do believe that he is working on it, but why continue to state, over a period of weeks and months...that it is done? He first promised that a D2G update was nearly ready on 1/6!

It's "under-promise and over-deliver"...not the other way around. I'm sad he's strung us along for so long and now there's still nothing. I don't want to spew hate, because I appreciate his work...but just sincerely tell us what is actually going on for once!

Oh Pity the poor leacher/junkie for having to wait for his Flashing Fix...

You know what your all EXACTLY right you should all go flash some other ROM that posts a weekly buggy update and never misses a deadline....

Yeah don't use Fission THAT will teach Ang a thing or two.

Can't wait to see your first posts on the D2 forum on why you bricked your phone after flashing their ROM or see you complaining about how non existant the D2G support is for Liberty or worse complain that the Romer crew didn't release a sensor driver for you on a timely basis...

Lets face facts here folks. You can either wait paitently for something to flash on your phone that works, or you can give up flashing roms onto your phone entirely!

The choice is up to you!

Don't bother to tell us you gave up flashing your phone forever (because Fission is the ONLY rom that makes it work other than Blur) and don't complain that there is nothing to flash on your phone!

Cause if this NEVER gets an update the reason would be ungrateful users like you folk who are slamming the ONLY guy who supports your phone!

You don't like the effort then go back to Moto Blur or make your own damn rom so I can login and ***** to you about not giving me an update when I want it not when it's ready!
The way I see it is if you have enough time to complain about it you have enough time to learn how to do it yourself, lol.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
All you people who are being so impatient deserve to have a Motorola Backflip. NO DROID 2 GLOBAL FOR YOU!!!!

uhhh i deserve whatever i wish to buy....

This is true, but you never bought the ROM, at most you donated to the cause. The and he is in no way bound to release another version for the D2G ever. i'm just tired of hearing people on this forum complain that they don't get what they want right now. I this particular thread in particular diminishes my faith in the human race. I'm just done with this thread.

Good Luck all,
The choice is up to you!

dont like the post, read a different thread....follow your own advice "the choice is up to you"

All you people who are being so impatient deserve to have a Motorola Backflip. NO DROID 2 GLOBAL FOR YOU!!!!


uhhh i deserve whatever i wish to buy....

And all you bought was a phone so different than anything else Motorola makes that only one guy on the planet is making ROMs for it and your going to punish HIM by not running it!

Go back to stock sonny boy and leave the cool features to those who are virtuous enough to wait....you DO know the phrase good things come to those who wait?

And donating to the project only entitles you to a working ROM...

Fission 2.4.3 is a fully functioning and working ROM! You got your money's worth!

If it didn't work you might have a reason to complain. Since it does your just acting like he is your slave programmer living only to do your $20 bidding!
The choice is up to you!

dont like the post, read a different thread....follow your own advice "the choice is up to you"

All you people who are being so impatient deserve to have a Motorola Backflip. NO DROID 2 GLOBAL FOR YOU!!!!


uhhh i deserve whatever i wish to buy....

And all you bought was a phone so different than anything else Motorola makes that only one guy on the planet is making ROMs for it and your going to punish HIM by not running it!

Go back to stock sonny boy and leave the cool features to those who are virtuous enough to wait....you DO know the phrase good things come to those who wait?

And donating to the project only entitles you to a working ROM...

Fission 2.4.3 is a fully functioning and working ROM! You got your money's worth!

If it didn't work you might have a reason to complain. Since it does your just acting like he is your slave programmer living only to do your $20 bidding!

hey little guy, stating i gave up waiting is in no way complaining. simply stating a fact. quit trying to suck up thinking Ang is going to reward you for trying to sh*t talk to every person you think is posting something negative.....

dont like the post, read a different thread....follow your own advice "the choice is up to you"

uhhh i deserve whatever i wish to buy....

And all you bought was a phone so different than anything else Motorola makes that only one guy on the planet is making ROMs for it and your going to punish HIM by not running it!

Go back to stock sonny boy and leave the cool features to those who are virtuous enough to wait....you DO know the phrase good things come to those who wait?

And donating to the project only entitles you to a working ROM...

Fission 2.4.3 is a fully functioning and working ROM! You got your money's worth!

If it didn't work you might have a reason to complain. Since it does your just acting like he is your slave programmer living only to do your $20 bidding!

hey little guy, stating i gave up waiting is in no way complaining. simply stating a fact. quit trying to suck up thinking Ang is going to reward you for trying to sh*t talk to every person you think is posting something negative.....

awright, that's enough. Take it offline.
Cut this **** out guys... Really? The D2G is newer, there are a few of us attempting to give you more options if you don't want to wait for AngDroid's work. Sure, he has missed a few times he said he would release, but you have a working version now right? Also, do you know how hard it is to make a stable ROM on a newer platform? The D2G may "run" some of the D2 ROMs, with moderate modification, but not yet as well as ROMs with actual platform specific work put into them.

If you feel that complaining in a public forum is the best way to fix this... You are wrong. Most of us are full time employees or students and can't take the time to really dig in and mod the Android system, test it, rinse, repeat every day... Development will be slow until those who want new ROMs actually start learning and trying.
If you feel that complaining in a public forum is the best way to fix this... You are wrong. Most of us are full time employees or students and can't take the time to really dig in and mod the Android system, test it, rinse, repeat every day... Development will be slow until those who want new ROMs actually start learning and trying.

like i said before, stating i gave up waiting is not complaining.
Great discussion, guys. I know it is a healthy forum when people air perfectly legitimate grievances with a situation, and then get verbally attacked and called names by others for openly sharing their thoughts.

Fact #1: Angdroid is a great developer who has done a lot for the Droid community.
Fact #2: Angdroid has not been completely honest about his progress with the D2G ROM, leading to longer than anticipated wait times brought on by his own statements.

Is there really any disputing these facts? I, for one, would not be "whining" about this if the ROM update had not been promised, but not delivered, 3 times. If Angdroid had said nothing, but just kept plugging away at it, there would be no unrest. It is okay to feel lied to, and it is okay to discuss it. Now please stop being so rude. If you are content to wait and say nothing, that is wonderful. But it doesn't mean everyone else has to just shut up.
Great discussion, guys. I know it is a healthy forum when people air perfectly legitimate grievances with a situation, and then get verbally attacked and called names by others for openly sharing their thoughts.

Fact #1: Angdroid is a great developer who has done a lot for the Droid community.
Fact #2: Angdroid has not been completely honest about his progress with the D2G ROM, leading to longer than anticipated wait times brought on by his own statements.

Is there really any disputing these facts? I, for one, would not be "whining" about this if the ROM update had not been promised, but not delivered, 3 times. If Angdroid had said nothing, but just kept plugging away at it, there would be no unrest. It is okay to feel lied to, and it is okay to discuss it. Now please stop being so rude. If you are content to wait and say nothing, that is wonderful. But it doesn't mean everyone else has to just shut up.

Well put! thanks for speaking up