It's not superior in every way. The Bionic has a 4.3" screen compared to a 4", and the Bionic also has a 8 mp camera, where the Atrix only has a 5mp. Also, the Bionic has real 4g with LTE, not HSPA+. Also, it's not on AT&T, so the Bionic is the better phone by default!
Megapixels mean nothing. I bet the quality of the cameras is about the same. Also, LTE isn't even in all areas so it's not that big of a deal and I would much rather 4" than 4.3". We got screwed, especially once you look at the docks and everything that AT&T is getting. If AT&Ts network wasn't so bad, I'd switch.
Megapixels mean something, just not as much as the quality of the sensor, and you can bet that the quality will be the same, but I can just as son bet that the quality will be better. Why have a difference in specs if they are going to be the same? And I guess screen size is more of a personal preference, I have fairly large hands, and like having that little bit extra screen size for using an on screen keyboard.
And I really couldn't care less about the laptop and computer docks. I already have a laptop, and a netbook, and a desktop, so I really have no use for a dock to use my phone as any of those things. Sure, the RAM thing is disappointing, but lets wait for the reviews to come out before we actually say which phone is massively better.