Maybe it's the Eris-owner-paranoia in me, but the whole 512 RAM realeasing at the same time as an almost identical phone but with twice RAM thing makes me concerned that this will be the first to obsolescence... But when will that be? 20 months? 10 months? At least I know I'll only be renewing for a 1-year.
Maybe it's the part of me that used to think aliens are running the gov't, but Verizon pushing out a bunch of slightly updated versions of months-old devices (With 4G!!!

oregonians don't care) while simultaneously pulling the NE2 (While other carriers get the actual top-of-the-line stuff) and offering this half-as-powerful (albeit amazing) Dual-Core Droid sure seems like a forced EOL maneuver to get people buying more phones in a few months.
Sorry, I needed to vent... :blush:
Perhaps Eris owners should start a support group on here to share our prematurely-obsolete-tech fears. I mean, the Cyanogen team, kaos, etc. rescued the braver of us from the void.. but still. If a company wanted my business in a snap, they'd do some sort of OS update guarantee where you could get a reasonable discount on an upgrade without a bunch of weird contract extensions if your phone is made EOL within 6 months of release.
Okay, I think I feel better now. At least I don't have a Storm. The Eris can make it a few more months. I
do have Gingerbreadish.. I know it's impossible to have a top-end phone for more than a few months, but getting left behind before Summer ends when you get a phone for yourself for Christmas is not so cool..
This was a rough day. I really expected to be seeing a VZW device that would assuage my fears.. Instead, I'm not sure what I saw. The best network not getting the best phones is kind of unbelievable.
Whatever I decide to get, I think I'll get one for punk.kaos too, so at least I'll know he will make the best of it if it gets Eris'd.
I'm mostly kidding, but... Seriously?! AT&T and TMo win the Android phone category at CES?! What is the world coming to?