People have to really come off this "Android Vs Apple" crap. Me personally..I dont care as long as I can use my phone as a phone. Having extra perks is a great thing, dont get me wrong. But I refuse to be a "fanboy" just to be cool. I love my Android, however, if a phone I like suits my be it. Just like most of us used to be on, and avid blackberry nut riders..we moved to android and did the same.
The fact that you can remove a battery or not doesnt matter if the phone functions. I've given Apple their credit..but back to the main focus.. My situation with Android.. and Verizon.
Fact is this: My next phone... I have to pick wisely.
- My next phone has to be able to be USABLE for 20 months. Meaning insurance WILL be used at least once.
- My next phone HAS to suit me for at least 14 days. With an Android I know exactly what I'm getting. Apple...not so much. And it'll take more than two weeks to figure that out.
- Verizon uses no lube. And have sold their souls. Fact.
- I have a "personal" issue with going to stores, reading newspapers, etc... and seeing "App now Available in App Store" for the iphone, then look at my Droid like "you're better though.". I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Example: I'm reading the Washington Post.. It'd be nice to have an Android app. There isn't one. What am I to do? Use the browser. I'll be a dickhead and say "I want the same luxuries.". It's not enough to get me to change my device just so I can order on all. However.
I hate charging my phone three times a day. When I get to the office at work, it typically is at 80% because I'll read my news, check emails, etc.
CHARGE #1. Then I use it throughout my day working at the law firm, going to different places, I'll probably be at 30/40% by 4:30. Have to charge it before I leave at 7pm...
CHARGE #2. Get home...tasks and whatnot, charge it when Im sleep.
I get the idea of a smartphone, and the whole "extended battery, etc etc". But fact is...My phone should at least last 8 hours. At least. My Droid X...4.6. According to the battery left. Which of course isn't accurate...but still.
End of the day...I dont want to be FORCED to use an iphone because the policies VERIZON is enforcing cater to Apple. Think about it.
- Iphones have a new model every two years. -- Verizon cancels early upgrades.
- iphones on AT&T don't have insurance. -- Verizon changes return policy to 14 days. Meaning Asurion will have a similar policy.
I just want everything my Droid X has...with a front facing camera and maybe a dual core. I want the Thunderbolt...but no dual core. Should that matter?