Man late november is going to be interesting for android geeks. I can see us now at the store trying to compare the note 2 to the htc phablet and razr maxx hd. They will have the razor maxx hd set up over by the razr section, note 2 with the nexus gs3 and other sammy, and the htc phablet (which I am going to call it the droid incredible hd) with other htc devices and we will be in the store running back and forth working up a sweat lol. I can already see my dialogue with vzw csr now.
"can yall unplug these so I can compare these phones side by side".
CSR: "sorry sir we cant do that they are there for security reasons">
(whips out wallet and keys) "here are my keys and wallet so you know I am not going any where"
CSR: "Sir we can't do that"
(In the Joe from family guy voice) "COME ON!! disconnect THESE PHONES RIGHT NOW !!!! YEA!!!!"
Its bad to have the cops escorting you out of vzw over phones.
Don't count LG out of the game if they're able to bring OPTIMUS G to the U.S. market and they're claiming they'll release it in korea late this month so i'm very hopeful they should bring it to vzw as it'll be the only quadcore s4 lte hd 2g ram phone out and they'll be releasing their phablet soon too