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Droid Bionic vs. Galaxy S3

Man late november is going to be interesting for android geeks. I can see us now at the store trying to compare the note 2 to the htc phablet and razr maxx hd. They will have the razor maxx hd set up over by the razr section, note 2 with the nexus gs3 and other sammy, and the htc phablet (which I am going to call it the droid incredible hd) with other htc devices and we will be in the store running back and forth working up a sweat lol. I can already see my dialogue with vzw csr now.

"can yall unplug these so I can compare these phones side by side".
CSR: "sorry sir we cant do that they are there for security reasons">
(whips out wallet and keys) "here are my keys and wallet so you know I am not going any where"
CSR: "Sir we can't do that"
(In the Joe from family guy voice) "COME ON!! disconnect THESE PHONES RIGHT NOW !!!! YEA!!!!"


Its bad to have the cops escorting you out of vzw over phones :p.

Don't count LG out of the game if they're able to bring OPTIMUS G to the U.S. market and they're claiming they'll release it in korea late this month so i'm very hopeful they should bring it to vzw as it'll be the only quadcore s4 lte hd 2g ram phone out and they'll be releasing their phablet soon too
Lgs build quality is almost 180 of motorola. I just not ready to trust lg with a high end purchase.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I think it's more than phones that needs to be considered. The extras that you buy for the phones should be factored in. I considered the S3 replacing my Bionic, but than thought I'd lose the Lapdock functionality that I use a lot, almost all the time actually. Mininum case adds at least $20 bucks or more.

So at least for me, would need to be really super, more than just a phone before I'd consider it. Although the Padphone had me going for a moment.
id take the s3 over any current device and the newly announced motos

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
OG Droid Forever!! :P

But I like my Bionic. The SIII is a great device. You can't go wrong with either...
A lot of crashes and glitches and what not? I'm not sure what you're seeing, but there's not any more of that with the S3 than there is with any other phone. In fact, I'd say there's less of that with the S3 than there is with many other phones. Most people go to forums in order to find answers to problems they're having, so you're almost always going to see more negative posts than positive posts with any device. Users who aren't having problems aren't going to constantly post threads saying that they're not having problems. The S3 isn't without its faults, but it's a solid device, and arguably the best phone that's available on Verizon right now.

And having owned both phones, in my opinion the S3 is the better phone. That's not to say that the Bionic is a bad phone, and that's not to say that the S3 would be a huge leap forward for someone who has the Bionic, but the S3 trumps the Bionic in pretty much every aspect.

+1 well stated. I agree 100 % after owning both phones.
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I think that decision would come down to a lot of things... hardware, build quality, personal preference, and my mood. :D

The s3 has 2 gigs of ram, the s4 processor, an HD screen.. just to name a few features...

Negatives... touchwiz, but it has some good points to it too. Build quality, durability which could be taken as the same thing as build quality.

Bionic, build quality.. radios,

Negatives, its a year old. Outdated tech..

Lots of ways to look at this...

Personally... I would get neither.. especially with the hd's on the horizon. :D

Hang on, but I think I just read you praising the Bionic's radio! And I'm sorry but it's not fair to list Touchwiz as a negative for the S3, but not rate Blur a negative for the Bionic. I actually really liked touchwiz but never liked blur. And regardless, that's an easily solved problem nowadays with launchers. I use TSF Shell and it's amazing.

I was like you once. A nonbeliever. No data drops. No lag. Great screen. Best. Phone. Ever. Until that pesky .902 update came around, and my phone went to ****e. I gave it a chance and it actually got worse. Three replacements later, I was offered a trade in for the Rezound. And since e-mail is so important for me, I couldn't deal with my Bionic anymore. I miss it honestly. I loved the feel of the extended battery with the case I had. I appreciated the screen tremendously (never realized how difficult it was to look at my phone when I take my dog outside in the morning). And it looked great.

But, having said that, I LOVE my S3. I wouldn't say it's much of a step up from the Bionic, but it's definitely better by most accounts. Biggest thing I miss is the screen and the extended battery. S3 screen is fantastic too, and the battery isn't too bad, but that extended was awesome.
Hang on, but I think I just read you praising the Bionic's radio! And I'm sorry but it's not fair to list Touchwiz as a negative for the S3, but not rate Blur a negative for the Bionic. I actually really liked touchwiz but never liked blur. And regardless, that's an easily solved problem nowadays with launchers. I use TSF Shell and it's amazing.

I was like you once. A nonbeliever. No data drops. No lag. Great screen. Best. Phone. Ever. Until that pesky .902 update came around, and my phone went to ****e. I gave it a chance and it actually got worse. Three replacements later, I was offered a trade in for the Rezound. And since e-mail is so important for me, I couldn't deal with my Bionic anymore. I miss it honestly. I loved the feel of the extended battery with the case I had. I appreciated the screen tremendously (never realized how difficult it was to look at my phone when I take my dog outside in the morning). And it looked great.

But, having said that, I LOVE my S3. I wouldn't say it's much of a step up from the Bionic, but it's definitely better by most accounts. Biggest thing I miss is the screen and the extended battery. S3 screen is fantastic too, and the battery isn't too bad, but that extended was awesome.

I listed touchwiz as a negative and said it had some good points....

My Bionic hasn't got any data drop issues.. odd I know.. but yes... moto typically has better radios..

I fought an internal battle just to keep from buying the s3 lol.

Hoping that the HD was around the corner is the only thing that kept me from doing it. ..

But, having said that, I LOVE my S3. I wouldn't say it's much of a step up from the Bionic, but it's definitely better by most accounts. Biggest thing I miss is the screen and the extended battery. S3 screen is fantastic too, and the battery isn't too bad, but that extended was awesome.

why don't u just get an extended on the s3? me personally imma get the case with the built in battery... looks better than an extended battery and I think it adds 3200mah which more than doubles the bionic w the extended... over 5000mah ... that's something I definitely need and want lol

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
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dra868 said:
+1 well stated. I agree 100 % after owning both phones.

Although it is not a unanimous shut out in favor of the s3- as long as the bionic has at least one advantage going for it, such as the extended battery, then it will always boil down to personal opinion and no 1 can honestly say the s3 is better. I admit I'd like to check it out but i know I'd want my bionic back after a minute for my moto hardware/radios, my fresh batteries to swap, being able to see my display while walking outside in the Sumner, and the beautiful bionic's version of ics. Plus it's such a just beautifully created phone. U ever take the time to just look at ur bionic? The frame, the curves, the metal accents, the gorilla glass...contour of the battery/extended battery...
Although it is not a unanimous shut out in favor of the s3- as long as the bionic has at least one advantage going for it, such as the extended battery, then it will always boil down to personal opinion and no 1 can honestly say the s3 is better. I admit I'd like to check it out but i know I'd want my bionic back after a minute for my moto hardware/radios, my fresh batteries to swap, being able to see my display while walking outside in the Sumner, and the beautiful bionic's version of ics. Plus it's such a just beautifully created phone. U ever take the time to just look at ur bionic? The frame, the curves, the metal accents, the gorilla glass...contour of the battery/extended battery...

um am I lost or are u saying u can't remove the s3 battery? because you can

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
dave52355 said:
I think it's more than phones that needs to be considered. The extras that you buy for the phones should be factored in. I considered the S3 replacing my Bionic, but than thought I'd lose the Lapdock functionality that I use a lot, almost all the time actually. Mininum case adds at least $20 bucks or more.

So at least for me, would need to be really super, more than just a phone before I'd consider it. Although the Padphone had me going for a moment.

IMO this is one aspect of Motorola phones that isn't considered enough when weighing pros and cons of different phones.

Aside from build quality and radios, this is the biggest consideration for me. The fact that Moto supports their products with things like the car, desk, HD, and lap dock while pretty much no other manufacturer does I'd amazing to me.

When i switched over to the ext battery i was shocked that i didn't have to remove the inserts in my docks...lo and behold, moto though of that and it just drops right in
Although it is not a unanimous shut out in favor of the s3- as long as the bionic has at least one advantage going for it, such as the extended battery, then it will always boil down to personal opinion and no 1 can honestly say the s3 is better. I admit I'd like to check it out but i know I'd want my bionic back after a minute for my moto hardware/radios, my fresh batteries to swap, being able to see my display while walking outside in the Sumner, and the beautiful bionic's version of ics. Plus it's such a just beautifully created phone. U ever take the time to just look at ur bionic? The frame, the curves, the metal accents, the gorilla glass...contour of the battery/extended battery...

The battery on the the S3 is a non issue for me. I have 3, (you can change batteries in the S3) 2 of which is better than the oem and consistently get 15-18 hours on each under heavy use and well over 1 full day when not. I owned the Bionic since day 1 and waited and waited like everyone else for improvements. Currently it is running a leaked ics and is more stable and reliable than out the box. I loved the radios, build quality and accessories of the bionic but I thoroughly enjoy my S3 (hardware/display/camera speaks for itself).
The battery shouldn.t be compare since both phone have the options to replace it or add an extended version and there's some very good external battery charger 1800mAh-6500mAh that's portable
As with the options of accessories s3 just dont have the lapdock option and i dont see it as too much of an advantage since moto makes it so expesive to justify the price
I only bought 1 is bc it was on sale for $49.99 otherwise i wouldnt even bother
I would rather spend $200+ for a laptop/netbook/tablet and use the bionic/razr as hotspot