Hey 640k, I just tried out something new and it works like a charm. I still have the mail setup like you suggested so I'm getting my POP3 just fine (a little slow sometimes but I still get it).
Well, the only reason I created my gmail account was so that I could use the phone. I've been using my POP3 account for over 10 years now and I didn't like the fact that I couldn't compose emails from my phone that would show them coming from my POP3 account unless I use the twitchy email app on the phone.
Well, I started looking through the settings in Gmail, and saw that if you have a POP3 account setup it gives you the option to set that as a default so when you send email it shows it coming from that account.
So I set my POP3 account as the default and sent a test email from my phone and it works!
Just thought I'd share this if you want to update your first post with this info. This comes in really helpful for those of us that have no need to use our Gmail account.
So here's what needs to be changed:
Gmail (browser)> Settings> Accounts and Import > Send Mail As (set POP3 account as default)
Now anytime you compose a message from your phone, it will show it coming from your POP3 account instead of the Gmail account...