Droid Razr Maxx HD waiting lounge.

Atrix HD has kevlar and gorilla glass too.

Its not thin.... the ATRIX is thicker than the maxx's camera hump... if I recall.. I only held one for a few moments... then I threw up :)
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94lt1 said:
Incremental... get your phone on charge :) lol

Yes sir lol

94lt1 said:
Its not thin.... the ATRIX is thicker than the maxx's camera hump... if I recall.. I only held one for a few moments... then I threw up :)

I thought the same thing, about the throwing up part lol

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I fondled the Atrix HD today. I just wanted to see the screen as it is going to be similar to the Razr HD. I really like the screen brightnes and color.
I dont thinl the HD is ever coming out. :mad:

Whats with this one x+? Any word of it coming to verizon?
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The one x is a htc... idk about if/when it will get to vzw..

I really think that the HD will be out this month. I hope.
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The one x is a Samsung... idk about if/when it will get to vzw..

I really think that the HD will be out this month. I hope.

The oneX is a HTC... supposedly a version might come towards the end of the year.

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That's right duh... lmao. Sorry its one of those nights. :rolleyes:

Fixing my Tarded answer
So I'm trying to figure out motos angle.. trying to keep us guessing? Why would they tweet that its not the HD. But everything points to the HD... idk. Time for bed.
94lt1 said:
So I'm trying to figure out motos angle.. trying to keep us guessing? Why would they tweet that its not the HD. But everything points to the HD... idk. Time for bed.

I really don't think it's the RAZR HD. They said it's a phone already on the market in the US. This is a marketing thing not a phone announcement.

The major phones Motorola has out in the US are:

-Atrix HD

All three are relatively thin though the Atrix is not regular RAZR thin.

All three have Kevlar.

Only one has a 1.5 GHz processor, the Atrix HD.

I think everyone in this thread is reading too much into it. It's not a new iteration of a phone already on the market. It IS a phone on the market.
yeah there is noway its the razr HD, .. they kept repeating "its in U.S market already" to not get our hopes too high :p. to think of it, .. they wouldnt announce a new phone in just their facebook page, .. if there is an announcement (or a game of announcement) of a new phone, probably they will make it first on their website and then link it in facebook / twitter, ... they wouldnt only put the announcement game in facebook.

oh well, ... back to the waiting game again
coderror said:
so i was bored and i concluded that its the black ATRIX HD without doubt ... and the evidences are attached

<img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=54276"/><img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=54277"/><img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=54278"/>

Lmao nice work, we got a detective here haha :) but not to bust ur bubble cause ur trying to bust mine, I hope your wrong lmao.

Also I know there's a debate where they say its already in the market but they could be throwing us for a loop cause if it is the Razr HD well techinically there's Razrs on the market, Idk hard to tell, I'm mad now cause of coderror lol, dont rain on my parade haha.

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Where has Moto fallen short at? A lot of people amaze me just cause Moto is two, maybe even 3 months behind the top notch releases that they are so far behind and have less to offer but that's far from the truth. Moto led the Mobile industry at one time. Not only did they lead it, they were the soul heart of it and still are, they created all this.

People forget where things started and where things would be if certain events didn't happen. Look at Nokia, they use to lead this industry and now compared to before, they almost seem dead. BB use to be well recognized and now they are almost dead. Look at Sammy, 15yrs ago, what's a Samsung phone, now their on top. With Google now owning Moto, they do have the potential to lead the mobile industry, especially in 5yrs when they could make all other Manufacturers pay for Android, probably won't happen but they could. Google owns the key to Android, after 5yrs is up they could pull the plug on the other phone developers, they won't but they could. People still believe Google ain't stepping in on Moto lol, they already have. Look how powerful Google is, they own everything.

Now to go back to your falling short. If u look at the current phones out right now, yeah the One X and S3 take it but Moto is getting ready to release their version. Before the One x and S3 compare the phones, The Razr Maxx easily could hold its own against the other phones. So I disagree with them falling short. They might not be the first here lately but they were the first for so long where was everybody at then?

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They have fallen short in the advancement of time. While other companies are thinking further ahead and selling millions of devices more than Moto. I am not saying Moto is doomed. I am saying that at once they were leaders and now they are becoming followers.Thats a given. You said that yourself in your first paragraph (though sentence 3's beginning contradicts the end).

I have both the S3 and the Maxx and both are stellar devices. I am not doubting that. I went with the S3 purely for wanting to see what a "non-moto" device was like. I have always owned motorola devices. Though the device build goes to Moto the advancement and features goes to the S3 in comparison of the two.

Will Moto be on top and all powerful at the end? That is yet to be seen. I hope they are. Why? It only will make the other manufacturers try harder and develop better devices.

What I have determined IMO is that Moto has been as PC747 said in a earlier post.... Moto has not left the blocks yet and other manufactures are half way down the track.

On a side note: Apple and Samsung have 55% of the Smartphone market
coderror said:
so i was bored and i concluded that its the black ATRIX HD without doubt ... and the evidences are attached

<img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=54276"/><img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=54277"/><img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=54278"/>

I was bored to lol :) with evidence attached

View attachment 54282

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