Also.. I thought someone would've tossed this out there by now.. but nobody has. So I will.
Who here has worked a job where its been bought out? And even when there have been claims that"nothing will change" I have.. and let me tell you, when clear channel buys a radio station... all hell breaks loose. Despite all of the claims... you know your job is on the line.
Well think how the moto mobility people might be feeling. Is Google gonna axe us, is Google gonna sell us to............
Is Google gonna shut us down and just keep our patents??.
Moto is in a state of transition, they could be betting on intel, and designing around the new chip from them.... so this could be a run of the mill device. .. but don't count em out.
Call it a will be back in the game come christmas-may of next year... why such a wide window.... lots of things going on... lots of variables.
As for this device. .. eh... I'm still getting it.
Going through a merger now. Yeah when they tell you transition will be seemless and you wont notice a difference get ready. Its been all fun since this merger started and transition has not been seemless. Those are words that are put out so stockholders remain confident.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Ima contradict myself. But had some time to think. The gs3 needs 2gigs of ram for touchwiz and all the features. With out that don't think 2gigs or ram is really needed.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I laid hands on a Sammy s3 today.. it as faster by a tic... but it felt wrong... cheap, To me.
Its basically the same size as the maxx... but I was afraid to hold it(think newborn baby)
This is just me guys. Build quality is a big issue to me. is in the eye of the beholder.![]()
I could flex it by barely touching the center of it with my thumb...![]()
pc747 said:Speaking from experience dont judge plastic it has come a long way. Going lighter is so they can make the product larger with out it feeling bulky. Samsung isnt the only one gambling on the idea of dropping metal for lighter material.
pc747 said:This is going to be a controversal comment. I am going to make people mad bout what I am about to say. I will start off my noting I have a galaxy nexus and love this phone. But ima keep it real. The Galaxy s 3 is an awesome device that sets it apart from other android oems. But my question is how much of the galaxy s 3 belongs to samsung. I have posted on this forum many time over the years even before the trial that I felt samsung copied apple. A year ago we were on the fence as a community with samsung. But then they gave us arguably the best nexus device yet and we as a community loved them for it to the point we are willing to defend them. And I must admit I am in that boat. But the reality the Galaxy s and galaxy s2 with touchwiz is a rip off of ios. People who wanted the look and feel of ios with out ios gravitated to the galaxy s devices. I bought the galaxy s3 and will vouch for it being an awesome device. But in the end I like the motorola chose the route to make their phone look different. This is why I want so badly for motorola to crush the competition and give us another awesome droid for those of us that want "an iphone killer" with out it looking like the iphone.
To those saying the sg3 don't look like the iphone do not know what internal documents samsung had. Remeber samsung build devices for apple so it is not far fetched to think that samsung used some of that info to build the sg3. All I know is that once a person gets caught stealing they lose that benefit of the doubt.