Why cant it connect to daemon?
I am sorry for going off-topic.
Rockstar, you've been trying desperately to get this working for you and I haven't ignored your attempts at trying to find a solution, but I think you might fare better by spelling out just what you have done so far, and what it is that you are trying to accomplish as a final goal. You've posted many individual questions on several different sub-forums, and have created many threads in just these past few days, but each one isn't getting the attention it deserves, perhaps because you're spreading yourself too thin.
Place all your concerns in one post, stay inside the same thread through the entire process and those who are on the thread will be better able to monitor your progress and identify the faults in it that are causing you such difficulty. I have to say honestly that I too had problems getting the Razr Utility to work properly for me, but once I got past the initial issues I've had nothing but complete success with it and have thanked both the creator, Matt L. Groff for having the foresight and ingenuity to build this tool, and DroidForums.net forum, for making it available and so prominently displayed.
That thread (
Droid Razr Utility), has an astounding 61,545 views, so there is a tremendous wealth of informed users on that thread and just like you, a certain number of people who are just trying to figure it out. Matt himself frequents the thread, but he's gained such popularity and such a large following that often questions directed to him are handled quite smartly by others who support him with appreciation and assistance for others.
Make ONE post there, that says what you've done so far, your successes, your failures, and what you are trying to accomplish and let's see if they don't step right in and get you back on track.
Good luck! :biggrin: