Droid update this morning

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Regardless of what you and I say it's not going to stop people from posting about it until it happens so you might as well learn to live with it

The reason people want the pre update to come is because the feel that once the pre update is finished being distributed the inevitability of 2.1 coming is the next step. It has nothing to do with the functionality of the pre update, people just want it

The issue is this. This is not a "I wish I had 2.1" thread, and it's not a "Did you get the maintainence release?" poll. It's supposed to be a thread with INFORMATION about a possible update.

It's NOT for a million people whining about not getting the update/2.1 taking too long to come out/etc.

Having to wade through all that BS to get real information is frankly tiring. 1500 people all posting "No update yet in West Paducha" doesn't really help. This thread is 28 pages long, if all of the posts were actually pertinent it would probably be 8 pages, if that.

And truthfully, saying that I want 2.1 to come out when it is ready is NOT a moot point. OSes HAVE been rushed to market before, and thus had serious problems. My issue is, most of the people in this thread are acting like they want 2.1 RIGHT NOW, with no regard for whether it is ready or not.
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Regardless of what you and I say it's not going to stop people from posting about it until it happens so you might as well learn to live with it

The reason people want the pre update to come is because the feel that once the pre update is finished being distributed the inevitability of 2.1 coming is the next step. It has nothing to do with the functionality of the pre update, people just want it

The issue is this. This is not a "I wish I had 2.1" thread, and it's not a "Did you get the maintainence release?" poll. It's supposed to be a thread with INFORMATION about a possible update.

It's NOT for a million people whining about not getting the update/2.1 taking too long to come out/etc.

Having to wade through all that BS to get real information is frankly tiring. 1500 people all posting "No update yet in West Paducha" doesn't really help. This thread is 28 pages long, if all of the posts were actually pertinent it would probably be 8 pages, if that.

And truthfully, saying that I want 2.1 to come out when it is ready is NOT a moot point. OSes HAVE been rushed to market before, and thus had serious problems. My issue is, most of the people in this thread are acting like they want 2.1 RIGHT NOW, with no regard for whether it is ready or not.

It is info considering that a lot of people have not recieved the update and people are wondering if they even need it or if were even going to get it before we get 2.1. I consider that info I don't know about you. Also it's pretty easy to look through the post and find purple mod names so......I would just look for those since they contain links to other information that I guess you would consider more relevent to what you are looking for then what everyone else has to say
maybe we should start a discussion forum discussing threads on this forum, and then everyone would be happy!
Regardless of what you and I say it's not going to stop people from posting about it until it happens so you might as well learn to live with it

The reason people want the pre update to come is because the feel that once the pre update is finished being distributed the inevitability of 2.1 coming is the next step. It has nothing to do with the functionality of the pre update, people just want it

The issue is this. This is not a "I wish I had 2.1" thread, and it's not a "Did you get the maintainence release?" poll. It's supposed to be a thread with INFORMATION about a possible update.

It's NOT for a million people whining about not getting the update/2.1 taking too long to come out/etc.

Having to wade through all that BS to get real information is frankly tiring. 1500 people all posting "No update yet in West Paducha" doesn't really help. This thread is 28 pages long, if all of the posts were actually pertinent it would probably be 8 pages, if that.

And truthfully, saying that I want 2.1 to come out when it is ready is NOT a moot point. OSes HAVE been rushed to market before, and thus had serious problems. My issue is, most of the people in this thread are acting like they want 2.1 RIGHT NOW, with no regard for whether it is ready or not.
Your point is "moot" in this sense, nothing you say or do will stop people on this site from expressing the want for 2.1 now, today, this second. Nothing you do or say will stop that.

This is a discussion thread if you didn't know, this thread is about an update that some droid users have received already and that others have not. The inevitable discussion will evolve into if this person got the update why haven't I etc.

That is the nature of a discussion thread. When someone gets an updated and discusses what it has done to there said device, it is natural for those who have not gotten it to want to try it for themselves even if the update does nothing.

And since this update has been dubbed the pre cursor for 2.1 which is the hotest topic on every motorola droid forum you should expect there to be discussion about it whenever an update is mentioned, lets not be naive.

This is human nature to talk about it. and it makes for interesting discussion for some. maybe not you, but maybe this particular thread isn't for you. I for one enjoy the speculation which is why I keep checking this thread.

Now if you create a thread titled. "I only want to talk about 2.01 in this thread" you probably wont see me in that thread at all seeing as I want to hear about the upcoming 2.1 update. Seems logical doesn't it?:)
maybe we should start a discussion forum discussing threads on this forum, and then everyone would be happy!
Exactly, I can't believe people are upset with anticipation its weird to me
lets stay on topic please.....

info on not getting/getting/still waiting etc etc is relevant.

It's an open discussion on 2.1 that will naturally evolve

Thank you
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That anticipation is most of the fun... remember Christmas when you were a kid?

Even the stock market buys on the rumor and sells on the news.

I don't have a problem with the prospect of talk about Droid 2 as long as we are not forgotten.

It only makes sense..... hey as awesome as the Droid is, I want a better phone too... and if they make one... I'll buy it!

On that note... every update is almost like buying another phone.
Even the daily updates on all the apps I have is fun to check every morning as I never know what new goodies, abilities and functions will be awaiting for me to download to improve my overall functionality of my Droid.

Hardware is only as good as the software in it... and vice versa.

We already know the graphic abilities of the Droid are barely tapped into yet.

Hey, they could even speed up the existing cpu if needed for times of intense cpu use.
But it appears most software is built to serve the broader market base and so hasn't caught up to the abilities of the Droid in most cases.

The more we get other Android based phones in the market, the less bugs we will have individually as the open source market will have strong motivation to focus on perfection with the huge market/dollar potential.

I expect this to become like IBM based computers were against Apple.
As good a Macintosh was and is, it just can't keep up with the much broader market share.
My hat is off to Apple for standing alone against the world "as it were"... but reality is that 1000000 brains working on a project with unlimited funds "open source & Google" is better than a 100 "Apple".

I expect Apple will get eaten up if they don't do something absolutely outstanding....and pairing up with AT&T is not it!!!!
I have read this thread from start to finish this morning and there is one question I have. With this 2.1 update, does it include the flash or is that coming later? I have had this phone since mid Nov. I got the 2.0.1 update at the very end of Dec. I am trying to figure out all the features still and have only one complaint, no flash that a lot of sites use. So I am hoping the update comes with flash so I can view those sites.

Not be rude, but I have posted this link 3 times now "to this other ongoing thread" as most of these questions being currently asked on this thread have already been covered on the other concurrent thread. ... look at post 371.

I'm surprise the MODs have let this thread continue and thats why they try to shut down concurrent threads on the same subject as it doubles the work and the questions for everybody.

Instead of wasting your time posting something that you previously posted on the topic, why not just tell the guy" No!!!! Flash is not coming as part of the 2.1 Update!!!!!"

If it was soo important to have flash, why did you buy a phone that does not support it at this time.?? If no answer, just be patient and it will arrive. Its just not going to be part of the 2.1 update.

Shut this down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) if you'd like
Manual Updaters...

Hi, please don't flame me, I've read through countless posts...

Has anybody that manually updated back in December received this current OTA patch that is necessary for the final 2.1 update?

I have not received this intermediate patch yet and am paranoid.

Any help would be great. Thx.
Hi, please don't flame me, I've read through countless posts...

Has anybody that manually updated back in December received this current OTA patch that is necessary for the final 2.1 update?

I have not received this intermediate patch yet and am paranoid.

Any help would be great. Thx.

I manually installed 2.0.1, and have not recieved the new patch. However, my brother did not manually install and he has not recieved the patch either.

I don't think there is a link.
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