Saying that you hope the 2.1 comes out only when its ready is a mute point because it will only come out when it's ready to be distributed to the masses regardless of what anybody wants. People showing impatiens will not make Motorola rush the update to us.What is wrong with anticipating something? I see no problem with wanting something that others who have the same device have already gotten.God, nobody has any patience anymore. The earliest date mentioned for an update was the 22nd, so why does anyone expect anything before then? Especially a "pre-update" update that doesn't really do anything for the day-to-day use of the phone?
The way everyone is anxious for an update, you'd think we were talking about the BlackBerry Storm here.
The difference between this situation and the storm is that other droid users have already received the update. the sooner every user gets this update more likely that 2.1 will then begin to trickle down to our handsets.
I would think that Motorola loves the anticipation its users are showing. So why is it that other users seem so against it?
It's not that anyone is against being enthusiastic. But when people get too impatient, sometimes things tend to be released before they are ready. For the most part 2.0.1 is stable, works well, and does what it is designed to.
2.1 will be more of the same, with some enhancements. But, I would much rather enjoy my device the way it is for now, and enjoy 2.1 when it is READY, not on an arbitrary date that was never officially announced.
The BlackBerry Storm was rushed out to meet a deadline, and it showed. It took 6 months to get a somewhat usable OS on the device that didn't lag constantly. On the other hand, assuming that we DO see 2.1 before the end of the month, that means we've seen 2 updates so far, only a couple of months into the device existing.
It's not that I am not enthusiastic for a new OS, however, I actually have a device that I enjoy using AS IS, and don't feel the NEED for a new OS to make it work right. And thus, I believe it should come out when it is ready for release, and not before.
And since the "update" in question doesn't actually DO anything aside from make the Droid 2.1 ready, it's nothing to be excited about. As long as you receive it before the 2.1 push starts.
My point is impatiens doesn't hurt the process of anything. I say let people be enthusiastic lets not make them feel like babies just because they anticipate something that is going to make an already great phone better.
Regardless of what you and I say it's not going to stop people from posting about it until it happens so you might as well learn to live with it
The reason people want the pre update to come is because the feel that once the pre update is finished being distributed the inevitability of 2.1 coming is the next step. It has nothing to do with the functionality of the pre update, people just want it