The Nexus One or Google Phone, should have been the first one with the android OS. And its made by HTC. Is it still rumored that the Droid X will be the Nexus Two?
Errr... The Nexus One was not the first phone with Android..
As my name implies I currently have a B Storm. I got it when it first came out about 2 years ago maybe 18 months. Everyday I struggle with thought of trowing it through a wall cause of how terrible it works.
I had decided to get an Incredible but the were sold out on entire east coast. Then I read about the X.
i have only played with a droid for like 5 mins in store, don't know alot about them. I've tried to read up on the phones and understand the X isn't out yet so only info is from tech places being allowed to play with it.
I dont care about size difference. But I dont understand all the hardware difference; they each have a 1ghz proc. but Incredible has snapdragon and X has one that helps with battery life. I just dont want to spend money on a new phone that sucks after 3 months compared to another i could've gotten or something coming out in that time, like with this storm.
Please help. U forum guys are my only hope.
p.s. i dont hate blackberrys just my storm.
I know how you feel there.. Went from the Storm to my current Moto Droid.. Storm was painful lol.
I just ordered my Incredible last night. While I think both Inc and X are awesome phones, I can't stand looking at that bulge coming out for the camera on the X.
Just my 2 cents.