I know someone mentioned the app before. MarkSpace ( Missing Sync for Outlook )
I am long time BB user, and syncing with outlooks contacts / calendar profile notes, etc. is just the way i got business done, kept up on things etc.
My upgrade from a BB 8230 ( which did everything I needed ) and compact, BB broke and VZ didnt have a replacement or even a refirb to give me so they upgraded to a D2
VZ rep told me it would sync with "outlook" he never said exchange. He also said that to connect my laptop I would need the 20.00 a month 3g hotspot. So my opinion is some reps may know, some reps dont or there just lying.
on to the syncing, I simply DON'T want my contacts information or notes, or my calendars appointment on googles/Verizons or anyone elses server to where they have access to mining that data.
I tried a bunch of apps and you can usually tell within 10 min if its something that is going to be right for what your looking to do.
I seen MarkSpace, after trying out a bunch of free apps that didnt work , i really didnt want to shell out 40 bucks to try it
I didnt see a trial version or maybe i was just getting tired of searching, , so I emailed them, here is the link they sent for the desktop software Its a 14 day trial before you need to register.
I have sync's via wifi and BT without problems.
without using Gmail
without using Backup Asst
without exporting a csv,
without exporting vcard
the wi-fi had a little trouble pairing , but thats with the D2 and had nothing to do with the Missing Sync
40.00 for the app might be a little pricey.. however well worth it.
I think the phone should do this nativly coming from a ex-BB user but I also develope database systems and UI with Filemaker and alot of functionality comes from 3rd party plugins
hope this helps someone.