Keep in mind this is a Droid focused forum, so I expect 99.99% of posts to say "Droid kicks BB's butt"...
That being said... I'll put my flame suit on!! and post the following...
When it comes to email and calendar...
On a BB, you can have ALL email and messages (including SMS, MMS, Gtalk, BBM, etc), FB notifications, all show in a single combined inbox, with an "Unread" indicator and counter. You also have the option to have individual/separated inboxes for each account, each with its own Icon/unread indicator. Some like this, some don't, but you have a choice. On Android, you go into Gmail, and you have to "switch accounts" to see another gmail account inbox (On 2.1 you have to go into gmail, menu -> switch accounts -> click the account, in Froyo its go into gmail, and click up near the top on your email address, then select which account you want to view). I am also happy to see that Froyo's Gmail app allows you to select which account you are sending from when composing an email. Something that is lacking in the Gmail app on 2.1.
RIM has Reply/Reply All/Forward on the menu in each gmail/email inbox, and when reading a message... To me that is an essential feature yet Android doesn't yet have that on the menu for Gmail accounts. Instead you have to open the email then scroll to the bottom of that email conversation if you need to reply/forward. Yes, Android does have it as soft buttons and on the menu for Exchange active sync accounts (which is why I sometimes setup my Gmail accounts this way on my Incredible), so why not have this in the gmail app too?
On the Inc and Droid, to switch between emails when reading in the Gmail app, I have to go back to the message list and tap on the next. I can't swipe my finger to move to previous/next like I can on my Storm, nor can I use the pop-up menu in Android to view the next/prev like you can with BB. (NOTE: Android does have "older" which takes you to the next older, then you'll see the "newer" button off the menu). If I'm using the regular Email app (exchange activesync), I do have next/prev arrows at the bottom of the screen. Thankfully Froyo's Gmail client has added the next/prev soft buttons at the bottom of the screen too.
The BB can hold 15, 30, 60, 90 or more days of emails in the message list. You can scroll through them and read at any time, even when you don't have wireless. On the INC & Droid, in the Gmail app, it holds about one or two screens worth, you want older, and it has to pull them in as you're scrolling down the list, so it pauses while it retrieves them. Forget about scrolling to view older if you have no wireless coverage.
On the BB, you do have a limit of how much of the email body the device will pull in. For normal emails between family and friends, this is usually ok. Its those big chain emails forwarded to you, or the fully loaded emails that get truncated. Actually, I cant remember the last time a corporate or personal email on my BB was truncated (other than older portions of the email trail that are part of the reply.. on which I can click the menu option for "GET MORE ALL..." to retrieve it... Example: the daily "specials" emails I got on the storm were fully received, no need to do the "more" trick). But it is nice that Android doesn't have any limits on the size of emails and does bring in the full body of the email at all. No need to hit "more"
As for HTML email, like BB, you have to click "show pictures" on android Gmail. When receiving email from about their specials, the "email" (exchange activesync/pop) app doesn't render them properly (on either the Droid or INC).. I get the funky black boxes with diamonds in them. They look ok in the gmail app, but end up being too wide and I have to scroll left/right as well as up/down. On the Storm, they look fine. I have to hit "get images" first, then it looks fine and is perfectly readable, with the Storm formatting it to fit the screen width, so only having to scroll up/down.
On BB, you have the option to search your messages based on sender or subject from inside the message app. hold your finger on a message in the message list, and you'll get a pop-up you can select to search on sender, subject, etc. In android, from the message list, hit menu -> search.. and type your search terms.
On the BB Storm, while in the message list you can press/hold on one message, then tap on another, and it selects multiple emails (between those). You can delete, mark read, mark unread, etc. those selected emails. (on non-touch BB's, you can hold the shift key, and roll the track ball to select multiple emails). On the INC and Droid in the Gmail app, you have to check the box in front of each message, one at a time, to select multiples, then you can select Archive, Delete, or Lables, but cant mark read/unread. This is something I do hope future versions of android include.
When sending an email on BB, you compose... along with the TO, Subject and message body boxes, you have the ability to select which email address you are sending from. Froyo's gmail app has this, until then, you have to be sure you start composing the email from the inbox of the gmail account you want to send from.
While using the INC and Droid, I miss BB's delete prior, mark prior read/unread, delete only on hand held features.
Two things the Gmail app on my Droid, Devour, and INC that are better than on my BB's... labels (which BB doesn't do with this message app), and RIM is still working on two way Gmail sync of read/unread. (is RIM ever going to get this right???)
On Blackberry, you have Select/Copy/Paste right on the popup menu everywhere. In Android, there are still places that copy/paste doesn't work (Like in the gmail app).
On Android there is no one central place to configure ALL ringtone, sound and notification settings, yes you can get add on apps, but again, none allow changing the ring tone for each individual email account, IM program, calendar alarms, phone, notification, etc. in one central location like BB's profiles or sounds app.
When it comes to meeting invites, Android is lacking here (at least for gmail, I don't recall how the android email app handles it). On my INC and Droid, when an invite comes in to my gmail account, it opens as a regular email message. While I can see the date/time/location, if I want to accept, decline or mark tentative, I have to switch out of the email, open the calendar, manually navigate to that date/time, then open the appointment and accept/decline... On BB, you just open the invite in the messages, see all the details (including start/stop, duration, notes, location, etc), and use the pop-up to accept/decline/tentative.
On Android there are many times you have to "jump through hoops" to save an images or files that was sent via gmail or MMS, rather than just having a menu or other action right there to "save attachment..."
Storm2's battery still lasts longer than my INC with the Seidio 1750 or stock HTC battery, even doing the "battery dance" to fully charge it.
My storm2 can play more video file types natively back than my droid or inc. (Rockplayer beta looks promising on my INC)
Android is still "growing up" and does have potential. I expect (or at least hope) many of these things I mention here will be fixed eventually. When Google addresses them, RIM and Apple had better watch out!
Currently Android definitely has the edge on speed (using faster processors), screen resolutions (at least on premium devices like Droid, Inc, Evo, X), web browser (early shots of RIM's web kit look promising, but still appear SLOW even over wifi, how much can/will it improve before they release it, their already late to the party!), market (more free apps available in one central place for android), Android has some nice widgets. Froyo will bring some nice additions and fixes, including BT Voice dial via HEADSETS.
But while its off to a great start, being in its "infancy" means android still needs work.
I still think it depends on a person's needs as to which is better for them... Neither Android, iPhone nor BB is best for all.
And for the record... I've been using the INC since I got it on April 27. I used my Droid and Devour when I got them. And I look forward to giving the Droid X a spin when it arrives this week.